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Work in progress. When complete, results will be announced.
see [[News of 2024-11 Nov]] for current news.  
== Release of Iron-24 ==
We are enumerating the Hartenfeller/Enamine/public reactions. This and the Ir database below, are the [[Enumerated database]]s enabled by the [[Chemistry Commons]]
* [[Fe database]] Iron uses ChemSpace 480K BB library.
We are also enumerating, using the same reactions, the following:
* [[CHEMryia]] - based on Otava BB
* [[Kz-ChBr]] - based on ChemBridge BB
* [[SIALmod]] - based on Sigma Aldrich BB
== Release of Iridium-24 ==
We are enumerating the bespoke libraries (Ellman, Young, others)
* [[Ir database]]
* [[CB Iridium]]
== Updates of ZINC-22 3D database ==
We are processing /zinc-22y/.
* done up to H20
* H21, H22 well underway
* H23, H24 started.
* H25 and beyond:  we are waiting for the first pass load to finish. So H25 "y" won't be started until August.
When the "y" project is complete, ZINC-22 3D should be 95% or ZINC-22 2D up to H24.
Of course, Enamine might make more molecules, and then we'll fall behind again, and then we will build more.
== Refactored version of TLDR == is available for testing.
== Speed improvements to Cartblanche22 ==
== Informer set updates ==
== /zinc-22a/ Enamine in stock.
Update is in progress and will appear soon. This is "the other informer set"
== /zinc-22g/ ZINC20 in stock
The informer sets. This will be updated in June.  

no other current news.


Latest revision as of 16:23, 22 November 2024

see News of 2024-11 Nov for current news.

no other current news.