Wynton & BKS
File Servers Exported to Wynton
File servers accessible over automount.
# While on wynton, ls /bks/[NFS name] Eg: ls /bks/ex9/work
BKS NFS Servers available on Wynton
bet bet-wyn.wynton.ucsf.edu bet-wyn:/work tsadi tsadi-wyn.wynton.ucsf.edu tsadi-wyn:/ex1,/ex2,/ex3,/ex4 lamed lamed-wyn.wynton.ucsf.edu lamed-wyn:/ex5,/ex6,/ex7,/ex8 qof qof-wyn.wynton.ucsf.edu qof-wyn:/ex9
Adding a file server to Wynton
Connect an open network port on host to Wynton's network. Ask JL for IP-address and ports to connect to in BH101. Create network interface in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts for new interface. Populate with the following:
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<interface name>
TYPE=Ethernet DEVICE=<interface name> BOOTPROTO=static HWADDR=<MAC Address> ONBOOT=yes IPADDR=<Wynton IP> NETMASK= DHCP_HOSTNAME=<wynton network hostname>.wynton.ucsf.edu HOSTNAME=<wynton network hostname>.wynton.ucsf.edu
Create a static route to wynton
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-<interface name> via dev <interface name>
See lamed for example.
Edit /etc/exports. Backup the configuration just in case of messups. Export the NFS files to with (rw,sync,fsid=<insert fsid>). Issue command:
exportfs -a
CentOS 6 NFS servers are showing user/group ownerships as nobody:nobody. This problem doesn't happen on the CentOS 7 machines. They are mounted NFSv4.0.
This is due to /sys/module/nfsd/parameters/nfs4_disable_idmapping. To address:
On the NFS Server exporting to Wynton:
echo 'Y' > /sys/module/nfsd/parameters/nfs4_disable_idmapping exportfs -a