Installing oracle
Installation of Oracle and JChem Cartridge
Pre-Installation Tasks
Abbreviated instructions on how Oracle Enterprise 11g and ChemAxon's JChem Cartridge was installed on (ignoring the plethora of false starts due to OS bugs, kernel crashes, hard drive problems etc - We'll pretend it all went smoothly from the start)
- Oracle requires a number of preinstallation tasks, all of which were followed as per the documentation [1]
- Sufficient room, memory, etc determined.
- Required packages installed as per page
- /etc/hosts configured to have fully resolved name:
- (domainname =, hostname =
- in /etc/profile.d/
- Create required groups as per documentation
- groupadd dba, oper, asmadmin, oinstall
- add oracle user with primary group in oinstall
- pw: [standard admin pw]
- Shell limits increased in /etc/security/limits.conf
- oracle soft nproc 2047
- oracle hard nproc 16384
- oracle soft nofile 1024
- oracle hard nofile 65536
- Kernel limits checked, changes needed added to
- kernel.semopm = 100
- fs.file-max = 6815744
- net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500
- net.core.rmem_default = 262144
- net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
- net.core.wmem_default = 262144
- net.core.wmem_max = 1048576
- Default shell set to bash
- Creation of required directories
- oracle base: /scratch/oracle/app/oracle
- oracle inventory: /scratch/oracle/app/oraInventory
- oracle home (auto made in install): /scratch/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2/zinc
- Udev permissions business seems pointless as 11g doeesn't need raw devices and can just I/O automatically
- Set oracle's environment in /etc/profile.d/
- set ORACLE_BASE = /scratch/oracle/app/oracleS
- ORACLE_SID = zinc
Installation of Oracle
- Options taken during install
- global database name:
- same pw for all accounts: [standard admin pw]
- ignoring pdksh issue, sticking with ksh - seems in forums to not be causeing problems
- psfile: /scratch/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/dbs/spfilezinc.ora
- control URL:
- encryption key: /scratch/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/zinc_home/erindev.bkslab.org_zinc/sysman/config/emkey.ora
- ORACLE_HOME=/scratch/oracle/app/oracle/producut/11.2.0/zinc_home
Post Installation Tasks
- /etc/profile.d/ set up with all Oracle variables
- ORACLE_BASE=/scratch/oracle/app/oracle
- ORACLE_HOME=/scratch/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/zinc_home
- Auto-start the ZINC database when Oracle comes up
- /etc/oratab changed to autostart ZINC (set to Y)
- SQLPLUS added to generic path
- ln -s $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus /usr/bin/sqlplus
- Oracle auto-start
- etc/init.d scripts added as per
ChemAxon JChem Cartridge
Oracle user chemaxon (pw: [standard admin pw]) set up, with DBA and all JAVA privileges JChem 5.6 package downloaded and installed as per normal. Specific JDK installed from documentation, with JAVA_HOME set in same oracle environment script (JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.6.0_27)
Cartridge installation launched from within cartridge folder as per documentation. Most defaults taken, or obvious answers (eg host machine =
During cartridge installation:
- ERROR: chemaxon doesn't have for to connect
Need to grant this specifically: SQL> call dbms_java.grant_permission( 'CHEMAXON', '', '','connect,resolve');
- /etc/init.d/oracle created
- !/bin/bash
- oracle Init file for starting and stopping
- Oracle Database. Script is valid for 10g and 11g versions.
- chkconfig: 35 80 30
- description: Oracle Database startup script
- Source function library.
- ./etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
- ORACLE_OWNER="oracle"
- ORACLE_HOME="/scratch/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/zinc_home"
- case "$1" in
- start)
- echo -n $"Starting Oracle DB:"
- su - $ORACLE_OWNER -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart $ORACLE_HOME"
- echo "OK"
/sbin/chkconfig --add oracle
- Other DBAs added to Oracle
- johnirwin and teaguesterling added
- pw: devilbox
- Adding a Cartrdige role so other users can access cartridge from the chemaxon schema (as it is the owner)
- JCC_IDX_ROLE created and privileges assigned to be able to use other indexes/createL
- SQL> call privman_pkg.grants_on_jcobjs('CHEMAXON', 'JCC_IDX_ROLE');
Additional Business
- Webmin installed (because it's rad)
- admin, [standard admin pw]
- Outstanding Needs
- on reboot, Cartridge needs to be added to init.d to startup (Oracle currently starts up).
- Also need emctl to start automatically on reboot.