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HP Array Configuration Utility (hpacucli) works with HP RAID controller cards to configure RAID levels, get RAID information, and action various commands on an array.
Common hpacucli commands
To show the configuration status of entire array:
hpacucli ctrl all show config
To show details of all physical drives related to a single RAID controller (note slot number can be obtained by ctrl all show config command):
ctrl slot=<slot number> pd all show detail # this command will provide you with the serial numbers of the physical drives in the array
To show details of a single physical drive:
hpacucli ctrl slot=<slot number> pd <physical drive number> show detail [root@nfshead2 ~]# /opt/compaq/hpacucli/bld/hpacucli ctrl slot=1 pd 1e:1:7 show detail Smart Array P800 in Slot 1 array A physicaldrive 1E:1:7 Port: 1E Box: 1 Bay: 7 Status: Failed Drive Type: Data Drive Interface Type: SATA Size: 1 TB Firmware Revision: HPG6 Serial Number: 9QJ2BVES Model: ATA GB1000EAFJL SATA NCQ Capable: True SATA NCQ Enabled: True PHY Count: 1 PHY Transfer Rate: 1.5GBPS
To view information about disk enclosures/JBODs:
hpacucli controller slot=1 enclosure all show detail Smart Array P800 in Slot 1 StorageWorks MSA 60 at Port 1E, Box 1, OK Fan Status: OK Temperature Status: OK Power Supply Status: Redundant Vendor ID: HP Serial Number: SGA837003N Firmware Version: 2.18 Drive Bays: 12 Port: 1E Box: 1 Location: External Expander 243 Device Number: 243 Firmware Version: 2.18 WWID: 50014380031A4B00 Port: 1E Box: 1 Vendor ID: HP Enclosure SEP (Vendor ID HP, Model MSA60) 241 Device Number: 241 Firmware Version: 2.18 WWID: 50014380031A4B25 Port: 1E Box: 1 Vendor ID: HP Model: MSA60 SEP: (1) 2.18 Backplane Module (BPM): (1) 2.06, (2) 2.06 Fan Control Module (FCM): (1) 1.08, (2) 1.08 Health Monitor Module (HMM): (1) 1.10, (2) 1.10 Seven Segment LED Display: (1) 0.10 Physical Drives physicaldrive 1E:1:1 (port 1E:box 1:bay 1, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:2 (port 1E:box 1:bay 2, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:3 (port 1E:box 1:bay 3, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:4 (port 1E:box 1:bay 4, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:5 (port 1E:box 1:bay 5, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:6 (port 1E:box 1:bay 6, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:7 (port 1E:box 1:bay 7, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:8 (port 1E:box 1:bay 8, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:9 (port 1E:box 1:bay 9, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:10 (port 1E:box 1:bay 10, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:11 (port 1E:box 1:bay 11, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:12 (port 1E:box 1:bay 12, SATA, 1 TB, OK)
To view information about logical drives:
[root@nfshead2 ~]# hpacucli ctrl slot=1 ld all show detail Smart Array P800 in Slot 1 array A Logical Drive: 1 Size: 5.5 TB Fault Tolerance: RAID 1+0 Heads: 255 Sectors Per Track: 32 Cylinders: 65535 Strip Size: 128 KB Status: OK MultiDomain Status: OK Array Accelerator: Temporarily Disabled Unique Identifier: 600508B100104E395358523031580002 Disk Name: /dev/cciss/c0d0 Mount Points: None OS Status: LOCKED Logical Drive Label: A00577DCPAFGF0N9SXR01X68FA Mirror Group 0: physicaldrive 1E:1:1 (port 1E:box 1:bay 1, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:2 (port 1E:box 1:bay 2, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:3 (port 1E:box 1:bay 3, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:4 (port 1E:box 1:bay 4, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:5 (port 1E:box 1:bay 5, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:6 (port 1E:box 1:bay 6, SATA, 1 TB, OK) Mirror Group 1: physicaldrive 1E:1:7 (port 1E:box 1:bay 7, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:8 (port 1E:box 1:bay 8, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:9 (port 1E:box 1:bay 9, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:10 (port 1E:box 1:bay 10, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:11 (port 1E:box 1:bay 11, SATA, 1 TB, OK) physicaldrive 1E:1:12 (port 1E:box 1:bay 12, SATA, 1 TB, OK)