Database Filter
The Database Filter is designed for on-the-fly filtering of small molecules from the database during docking. Filtering small molecules by heavy atoms, rotatable bonds, molecular weight and formal charge is currently supported. This routine is designed to be modular so that other descriptors can be easily added. The default values are deliberately set to allow most small molecules to pass through. One use of this routine would be to partition a database into subsets such as "0-7 rotbonds" or "300-500 molwt" or "neutral charge". Another use would be to exclude ligands that are too small (<200 amu) or too large (>500 amu) for a particular target. This routine can also be used to filter a database without performing any docking.
Database Filter Parameters
use_database_filter [no] (yes, no): #Flag to use the Database Filter
dbfilter_max_heavy_atoms [999] (int): | Maximum number of ligand heavy atoms |
dbfilter_min_heavy_atoms [0] (int): | Minimum number of ligand heavy atoms |
dbfilter_max_rot_bonds [999] (int): | Maximum number of ligand rotatable bonds |
dbfilter_min_rot_bonds [0] (int): | Minimum number of ligand rotatable bonds |
dbfilter_max_molwt [9999.0] (float): | Maximum ligand molecular weight |
dbfilter_min_molwt [0.0] (int): | Minimum ligand molecular weight |
dbfilter_max_formal_charge [10.0] (float): | Maximum ligand formal charge |
dbfilter_min_formal_charge [-10.0] (float): | Minimum ligand formal charge |