Curating reactions
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Current status
- incorporate Kolb papers and references cited therein
- [#1] in SMARTS is probably wrong.
- update subpat and counts for all not just bb.
Historical - Original Load
Generate a Temp Table of all distinct patterns with numbers and origin_fks (kinds) select row_number+1000 as id, pattern, kind into temporary table patemp1 from (select distinct *, row_number() over() from (select reactant1 as pattern, 6 as kind from reaction union select reactant2, 6 from reaction union select reactant3, 6 from reaction union select reactant4, 6 from reaction union select reactant5, 6 from reaction union select product, 7 from reaction) as r where r.pattern != '' order by row_number) as r; Fix a broken one update patemp1 set pattern='[H:9]-[#7:6]([H:11])-[#1,#6:7]' where id=1150; Generate qmols select id, pattern as readable_smarts, kind, pattern::qmol as smarts into patemp2 from patemp1; Load patterns insert into pattern (pattern_id, smarts, origin_fk, description, pat_type_fk) select id, smarts, kind, 'Reaction pattern', 14) from patemp2;