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Welcome to DISI ("dizzy"), short for DISI Is Still Incomplete), a wiki focusing on molecular docking, ligand discovery tools and computational pharmacology, hosted by on behalf of the Irwin Lab and Shoichet Lab at UCSF. This wiki aims to serve several constituencies, and is a work in progress. Please work with us and help us improve it. Tell us how we are doing
WHO are you?
This site contains information for lab members and for everyone using our public tools:
WHY are you here?
- Docking (DOCK 3.8)
- Systems pharmacology
- Colloidal aggregation of small molecules
- Chemical informatics
- DOCKovalent_3.7 - Covalent docking
- more topics
Do you have a question?
We are trying to organize these pages:
- WHAT - manuals, such as they are.
- HOW - Tutorials, such as they are.
- WHY - still working on turning our concept into an idea.
- Other - Everything else
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Try the search bar top right to see if that works...