ODOSOS is the acronym for open data, open source, open standards. Don't you hate these sorts of acronyms?
The products of docking.org are open in the limited "free as in beer" sense. That is, ZINC, DUD and HEI may be downloaded freely by anyone for any purpose. DOCK Blaster and SEA may be used without charge by any organization. This wiki may be freely edited (after registration to ensure proper attribution).
We attempt to use open standards whenever possible, but we will use whatever it takes to get the job done.
Most of our tools are available via a "University of California license", the terms of which are, briefly: - Academics may have the source for free. - For profit organizations are asked to pay - Any useful modifications must be returned to us - Source code may be used at the licensed site only, and may not be redistributed.
These are terms required by the Regents of the University of California. If you do not like them, please discuss with them, not with us.