Understanding MakeDOCK, which automates sphere and grid generation

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What is MakeDOCK?

  • MakeDOCK automates the process of sphere and grid generation for a target.

Makedock Features

  • If you have the MakeDOCK Makefile, you simply type 'make' to generate all the spheres and grids.
  • All required files and structures will be copied and created for you by MakeDOCK.
  • Full dependency resolution means you can change any input or parameter file and type 'make' to generate all files that depend on that change (i.e. tarting or editing spheres).

Input files to MakeDOCK

  • Create a new directory containing the following input files to MakeDOCK:
  1. rec.pdb: Prepared receptor file
  2. xtal-lig.pdb: Ligand specification file

These are required to specify the target for docking. For help preparing these files, see #Receptor Preparation and #Ligand Preparation below.

How to use MakeDOCK

In the directory containing rec.pdb and xtal-lig.pdb, do the following to run MakeDOCK.

setenv DOCK_BASE ~mysinger/xyz/dockenv
source ~mysinger/etc/login
cp $DOCK_BASE/scripts/Makefile3 Makefile


Receptor Preparation

To prepare a typical pdb structure for use as the receptor in MakeDOCK, do the following:

  1. Remove solvent (i.e. crystallographic waters)
  2. Remove other non-essential hetero-atoms (everything but perhaps a co-factor essential for ligand binding)
  3. Remove the ligand itself
  4. Delete all hydrogens
  5. Save as rec_original.pdb
  6. Run 'paranoia.csh' to clean up the rec_original.pdb file into a rec.pdb file

Ligand Preparation

To prepare the ligand specification, reload the original pdb structure and perform the following steps:

  1. Delete everything BUT the ligand atoms
  2. Save as xtal-lig.pdb