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Excipient Deployment:

1. activate the production server ->

 cd /nfs/soft/www/apps/excipients/envs/production/
 source bin/activate

2. Go to the dev version of Excipients and the version number set in the __init__.py file

3. Run ->

 python setup.py sdist

4. copy over the created dist folder in /nfs/soft/www/apps/excipients/envs/production/

5. Run -> pip install dist/CERSI-Excipients-X.Y.Z.tar.gz

6. ssh to n-1-110 n-1-from gimel -> ssh superuser@n-1-110

7. get root -> sudo -i

8. find the excipients screen -> screen -ls

9. switch to excipients screen -> screen -dR excipient

10. CTRL-C to kill

11. <UP> <ENTER> to rerun