Arthor Documentation for Future Developer

Revision as of 23:08, 6 January 2020 by Jyoung (talk | contribs)
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Written by Jennifer Young on December 16, 2019. Last edited January 6, 2020

Install and Set Up on TomCat

Arthor currently runs on n-1-136, which runs CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core). You can check the version of CentOS with the following command

    cat /etc/centos-release

Check your current version of Java with the following command:

   java -version

On n-1-136 we are running openjdk version "1.8.0_222", OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_222-b10), and OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.222-b10, mixed mode) If Java is not installed, install it using yum

I followed this link to install TomCat on CentOS 7

Open port for Arthor

In order for Arthor to be usable in the browser, the port you wish to run it on must be opened.

Step 1: Check Port Status

Check that the port is not open and that Apache is not showing that port.

   netstat -na | grep <port number you are checking>
   lsof -i -P |grep http

Step 2: Check Port Status in IP Tables

   iptables-save | grep <port number you are checking>

I skipped Step 3 from the guide, because there was a lot of information in the /etc/services file and I didn't want to edit it and break something.

Step 4: Open Firewall Ports

I did not include the zone=public section because the stand-alone servers are usually used for private instances of Arthor and SmallWorld. Run as root.

   firewall-cmd --add-port=<port number you are adding>/tcp --permanent

You need to reload the firewall after a change is made.

   firewall-cmd --reload

How to run standalone Arthor instance

Step 1: Use or start a bash shell

You can check your default shell using

   echo $SHELL

If your default shell is csh, use


to start a new bash shell in the current terminal window. Note that echo $SHELL will show you your default shell regardless of the current shell.

Step 2: Set your environment variables

   export ARTHOR_DIR=/opt/nextmove/arthor/arthor-3.0-rt-beta-linux
   export PATH=$ARTHOR_DIR/bin/:$PATH

Make sure the ARTHOR_DIR variable is set to the directory for the latest version of Arthor or whichever version you would like to test. The PATH environment variable is needed if you wish to use the Arthor tools from the command line

Step 3: Run the arthor-server.jar

   java -jar /opt/nextmove/arthor/arthor-3.0-rt-beta-linux/java/arthor-server.jar --httpPort <your httpPort>

Setting environment variables for TomCat Server

Set the environment variables in the file. Note: Be sure to edit the file in the directory corresponding to the latest version of TomCat. As of December 2019, we are running 9.0.27 on n-1-136.

  vim  /opt/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.27/bin/

Add the line below to the file above, or substitute the path to wherever you currently store the arthor.cfg file

  export ARTHOR_CONFIG=/usr/local/tomcat/arthor.cfg

Here is an example of the arthor.cfg file:

  # Arthor generated config file
  NTHREADS=64 . 

Important parts of the arthor.cfg file

BINDIR is the location of the Arthor command line binaries. These are used to generate the Arthor index files and to perform searches directly on n-1-136. An example of this would be using atdbgrep for substructure search.

DATADIR This is the directory where the Arthor data files live. Location where the index files will be created and loaded from.

STAGEDIR Location where the index files will be built before being moved into the DATADIR.

NTHREADS The number of threads to use for both ATDB and ATFP searches

Set AutomaticIndex to false if you don't want new smiles files added to the data directory to be indexed automatically