DOCK3.7 INDOCK Minimization Parameter
the best scored ligand conformation can be minimized using the following parameters.
##################################################### # MINIMIZATION minimize yes sim_itmax 500 sim_trnstep 0.2 sim_rotstep 5.0 sim_need_to_restart 1.0 sim_cnvrge 0.1 min_cut 1.0e15 iseed 777
The default for minimize is no. Yes turns on the minimization.
minimize yes
How many iterations of minimization to do. More means longer run times, but potentially better poses.
sim_itmax 500
This is the initial distance in angstroms the molecule is translated.
sim_trnstep 0.2
How many degrees of initial rotation are done.
sim_rotstep 5.0
If the energy changes by this much, restart the minimizer from this newest position.
sim_need_to_restart 1.0
How much the total energy can changed to be considered converged. Setting this higher will stop faster, setting it lower will cause it to do more iterations before converging (or potentially hitting the iteration max above).
sim_cnvrge 0.1
Don't minimize molecules that score above the min_cut.
min_cut 1.0e15
To initiliaze the simplex, this seed gets used to generate a random number.
iseed 777