Disk types
Disk types in Toronto
Each user has a home directory on the cluster. /nfs/home/userid/. There is a default quota of 750 GB for lab members, 250 GB for guests. /nfs/home is backed up weekly. You will not be able to run Jens-scale docking runs in home, and you will need to use work instead for large jobs. There is also a home directory local to each workstation /home/userid, which is not on the cluster and is not backed up. We really hope this does not cause confusion! We suggest you create ln -s /nfs/home/userid clusterhome on the workstation.
Each user has a work directory. /nfs/work/userid/. There is a default quota of 750 GB for lab members, 250 GB for guests, and can be increased on request. Work is backed up at least once a month. For critical files, we urge you to be proactive and copy files to either home or store, below.
Each user has a store directory. /nfs/store/userid/. There is a default quota of 750 GB for lab members, 250 GB for guests, and can increased on request. Store is backed up monthly. The purpose of store is to hold data such as x-ray data collection, completed or static projects, and other files that do not change but need to be accessed. Departed lab members may be moved to store.
Each user may request a db directory. /nfs/db/userid/. There is a default quota of 750 GB for lab members, 250 GB for guests, and can be increased on request. DB is backed up at least monthly, and from time to time when you tell us. The purpose of db is to hold databases that are accessed on an ongoing basis, but rarely change.
There are high speed local scratch areas available which can help your jobs run faster. Ask the system administrators for a free consultation.
Please see COPY TO TORONTO for important info about moving your files to Toronto.