News of 2024-05 May

Revision as of 20:48, 24 September 2024 by Frodo (talk | contribs) (Frodo moved page News May-24 to News May-2024)
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New feedback form

So you can tell us how we are doing, report bugs, lightweight, all in a simple google form.

Wiki restructuring and cleanup

Long overdue wiki cleanup has begun. It is a never-ended task.

Major refactoring of TLDR is in progress

Chemistry commons is now available

Restructuring of databases in smallworld and arthor

There are now five servers of each, thus: sw (public, no pw), swp (private, pw, but available), swcc (chemistry commons), swbb (building blocks) and one more that is private to UCSF. For Arthor it is the same thing: arthor, arthorp, arthorcc, arthorbb and a UCSF only one.