DOCK 3.8:How to build a release

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This page describes the formal definition of a release of the UCSF DOCK software suite

1. Build desired version of pydock3 Python package (e.g., build pip-installable wheel file using poetry).

( you need to authenticate, and you need to have generated token)

  • use the generated token as your password
  • run poetry, e.g.
  • ~isknight/.local/bin/poetry build
  • pip install dist/pydock3-0.1.0rc1-py3-none-any.whl

2. Clone desired version of dock3 program.

3. Incorporate the fruits of (1) and (2) into DOCK3.8 repository housing an arsenal of scripts (e.g., 3D build scripts, post-processing scripts) that are essential for following the published Nature protocol.

A particular commit of the DOCK3.8 repository formally becomes a particular distribution of UCSF DOCK software when the commit is tagged with the distribution's semantic version (e.g., DOCK3.8 v1.2.0). Note that pydock3 and dock3 are separately versioned from DOCK3.8.