DOCK 3.8:How to build a release

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This page describes the formal definition of a release of the UCSF DOCK software suite

1. Build desired version of pydock3 Python package (e.g., build pip-installable wheel file using poetry).

2. Clone desired version of dock3 program.

3. Incorporate the fruits of (1) and (2) into DOCK3.8 repository housing an arsenal of scripts (e.g., 3D build scripts, post-processing scripts) that are essential for following the published Nature protocol.

A particular commit of the DOCK3.8 repository formally becomes a particular distribution of UCSF DOCK software when the commit is tagged with the distribution's semantic version (e.g., DOCK3.8 v1.2.0). Note that pydock3 and dock3 are separately versioned from DOCK3.8.