Excipient server restart
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1. ssh gimel 2. become www 3. activate the production server -> cd /nfs/soft/www/apps/excipients/envs/production/ source bin/activate 4. gunicorn --access-logfile excipients.ucsf.bkslab.org.acc --max-requests 1000 --bind excipients:app --workers 5 --timeout 1000
1. Go to the dev version of Excipients and set the version number set in the __init__.py file 2. Create the distribution file python setup.py sdist 3. ssh gimel 4. su - www 5. activate the production server -> cd /nfs/soft/www/apps/excipients/envs/production/ source bin/activate 6. copy over the created dist folder in /nfs/soft/www/apps/excipients/envs/production/ 7. Run -> pip install dist/CERSI-Excipients-X.Y.Z.tar.gz 8. gunicorn --access-logfile excipients.ucsf.bkslab.org.acc --max-requests 1000 --bind excipients:app --workers 5 --timeout 1000)
HowTos for the brand new version of Excipients
1. Create a copy of existing production database 2. In the flask code, change the database url to the newly created db 3. Run db update + db migrate to create new tables and new columns for existing tables. (automatically done by flask db-migrate, mapping the model objects to postgres db) python /home/enkhjargal/PycharmProjects/Excipients/manage-excipients.py manage-db upgrade python /home/enkhjargal/PycharmProjects/Excipients/manage-excipients.py manage-db migrate 4. Load the openfda regulatory_status data (creates 'Status' table in db) -> create a file named regulatory_status.csv touch regulatory_status.csv -> copy over the regulatory_status definitions from python /home/enkhjargal/PycharmProjects/Excipients/manage-excipients.py parse_status_definition /home/enkhjargal/PycharmProjects/Excipients/data/regulatory_status.csv 5. Load the openfda excipients function data (creates 'Function' table in db) python /home/enkhjargal/PycharmProjects/Excipients/manage-excipients.py parse_function_definition /home/enkhjargal/PycharmProjects/Excipients/data/function_definition.csv 6. Load the dye relation data: -> https://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/ColorAdditives/ColorAdditiveInventories/ucm106626.htm) -> python /home/enkhjargal/PycharmProjects/Excipients/manage-excipients.py load_color_additives_relationship /home/enkhjargal/PycharmProjects/Excipients/data/FDA_color_additives_all 7. Load the fda general additives data -> create a file named FDA_additives touch FDA_additives -> copy over the additive list from this page (https://www.fda.gov/Food/IngredientsPackagingLabeling/FoodAdditivesIngredients/ucm091048.htm) -> parse the file to load it to db table python /home/enkhjargal/PycharmProjects/Excipients/manage-excipients.py load_function_and_status_relationship /home/enkhjargal/PycharmProjects/Excipients/data/FDA_additives 8. Load the openfda drug label: -> https://open.fda.gov/downloads/ (6 json files to download) -> parse each of them: python /home/enkhjargal/PycharmProjects/Excipients/manage-excipients.py parse_fda_label_data /home/enkhjargal/PycharmProjects/Excipients/data/drug-label-0005-of-0006.json 9.