Excipient server restart

Revision as of 20:35, 24 April 2017 by Enkhjargal (talk | contribs)
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Excipient Server Restart:

 1. ssh gimel
 2. become www
 3. activate the production server ->
    cd /nfs/soft/www/apps/excipients/envs/production/
    source bin/activate
 4. gunicorn --access-logfile excipients.ucsf.bkslab.org.acc --max-requests 1000 --bind excipients:app --workers 5 --timeout 1000

Excipient Installment:

 1. Go to the dev version of Excipients and set the version number set in the __init__.py file
 2. Create the distribution file
    python setup.py sdist
 3. ssh gimel
 4. su - www
 5. activate the production server ->
    cd /nfs/soft/www/apps/excipients/envs/production/
    source bin/activate
 6. copy over the created dist folder in /nfs/soft/www/apps/excipients/envs/production/ 
 7. Run -> 
    pip install dist/CERSI-Excipients-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
    gunicorn --access-logfile excipients.ucsf.bkslab.org.acc --max-requests 1000 --bind excipients:app --workers 5 --timeout 1000)

HowTos for the brand new version of Excipients
1. How to load openfda data to the database:
