User Reported Problems
This is a log of errors that users have informed us about. Date & time the error, who reported it, what machine it happened on. Update it when you attempt to resolve it. If it has been resolved, report what was done to address the issue and leave it here for a month. We'll make another page with problems that were resolved (soonish).
[[[Current Problem List]]]
08/03/2017 11:00 mkorcz reported that n-1-113 seemed to indicate she had jobs running. Upon checking n-1-113, there was no active process with her name yet the SGE queue indicated she had an active job. This problem only seemed to happen on n-1-113 and n-1-105. We have rebuilt n-1-113 and n-1-105 to see if this will resolve the issue. Foreman/puppet did not indicate any errors with configuration drift.