SmallWorld Documentation for Future Developer: Difference between revisions

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m (asdf)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 73: Line 73:
#Place any *.anon.maps you've already compiled for testing into the maps sub-directory.
#Place any *.anon.maps you've already compiled for testing into the maps sub-directory.
== Start Smallworld Instance ==
== Start Smallworld Instance ==
# Go to smallworld extract directory
#: <source>cd /export/db3/smallworld_extract</source>
# Create a screen
# Create a screen
#: <source>screen -S <screen_name></source>
#: <source>screen -S <screen_name></source>
# Export the smallworld directory you've made
# Export the smallworld directory you've made
#: <source>export SWDIR=/export/db3/<smallworld_dir></source>
#: <source>export SWDIR=/export/db5/<smallworld_dir></source>
# Launch java
# Launch java
#: <source>java -jar /opt/nextmove/smallworld-<version>/sw-ws-<version>.jar --httpPort=<port_number></source>
#: <source>java -jar -Dserver.port=9999 sw_source/smallworld-<version>/sw-ws-<version>.war</source>

= How to Build Smallworld Maps/Databases =
= How to Build Smallworld Maps/Databases =
Line 189: Line 187:
# Add this line at the end of the appends
# Add this line at the end of the appends
#: <source>
#: <source>
                               .append('<br/><a href="#" onclick="copySmiles(\'' + get_smiles_parts(data.hitSmiles)[0] + '\');" ><i class="fa fa-clipboard" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>');
                               .append('<br/><b>Copy SMILES: </b><a href="#" onclick="copySmiles(\'' + get_smiles_parts(data.hitSmiles)[0] + '\');" ><i class="fa fa-clipboard" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>');
# It should look like this
# It should look like this

Latest revision as of 20:43, 10 December 2024


Here is the link to Smallworld's manual

  • Username:
  • Password: <Ask>

All smallworld databases live in abacus' db3.

Smallworld frontend files are consolidated and located at /export/db3/smallworld_extract/.extract.

Execute command start_smallworld to see options on which smallworld instance to start/restart.

How to Download Smallworld

  1. Ssh to abacus and become root. Prepare directory
     mkdir /opt/nextmove/smallworld-<version> && cd /opt/nextmove/smallworld-<version>
  2. Download Software with this link
    • Username:
    • Password: <Ask>
  3. Go to releases. Look for smallworld-java-<version>.tar.gz and copy the link address.
  4. Download using wget
     wget --user --password <Ask> <link address>
  5. Decompress the file
    •  tar -xvf <file_name>

How to Launch Smallworld For The First Time

Prepare Files and Directories

  1. Ssh to abacus and become root
  2. Open a port in the firewall
    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=<port_number>/tcp 
    firewall-cmd --reload
  3. Go to smallworld databases directory
    cd /export/db3/
  4. Create a Smallworld directory and go to it
    mkdir <smallworld_dir> && cd <smallworld_dir>
  5. Inside that directory, create these
    • a symbolic link to the smallworld anon map
    ln -s /export/db2/smallworld_anon_21Q4 anon
    • a sub-directory called maps to store databases
    mkdir maps
    • a smallworld config file
    vim smallworld.cfg
    • Add this block of code inside the config file
    Name=Atom Alignment
    Description=Aligns and scores each hit relative to the query atom types, differences are categorised as MAJ, MIN, HYB, SUB 
    Name=SMARTS Alignment
    Description=Treat input as SMARTS and align and score each hit relative to the query atom expressions in the input 
    Description=Extended Connectivity Circular Fingerprint
    Description=Path based fingerprint
    • SearchTimeOut should be the only option you'll change in the future. It caps search time to lessen strain on machine.
  6. Place any *.anon.maps you've already compiled for testing into the maps sub-directory.

Start Smallworld Instance

  1. Create a screen
    screen -S <screen_name>
  2. Export the smallworld directory you've made
    export SWDIR=/export/db5/<smallworld_dir>
  3. Launch java
    java -jar -Dserver.port=9999 sw_source/smallworld-<version>/sw-ws-<version>.war

How to Build Smallworld Maps/Databases

Consolidate smiles into /export/db3/temp_mapping.

Use the script located in that directory called smallworld_map_script.

Here is the content of the script:

#!/bin/csh -f
setenv SWDIR /export/db3/public_smallworld_4th_gen/

alias sw 'time java -jar /opt/nextmove/smallworld-5.1/sw.jar'

set target = '*.smi'

foreach i ($target)
	echo '(sw map' $i '-T tmp/ -o '${i}' -u '${i}'.anon.unmapped) |& tee '${i}'_log'
	(sw map $i -T tmp/ -o ${i} -u ${i}.anon.unmapped) |& tee ${i}_log
	echo 'sw blm -p 0.01 '${i}''
	sw blm -p 0.01 ${i}

Command Details

setenv sets the environment where the anon master map is

java -jar /opt/nextmove/smallworld-5.1/sw.jar shortened to sw via alias

map will map the smiles based on the current anon master map.

  • -T stores temp files so /tmp does not get overloaded
  • -o output with custom name you like
  • -u will collect the unmapped molecules to send to Nextmove or to use swextend

tee will log the progress of the process

Splitting Databases

[Follow this page if John has asked you to split the database into smaller slices.]

Active Smallworld Instances

Caption text
Type URL Machine:Port Directory
Public /nfs/db3/public_smallworld_4th_gen
Private /nfs/db3/private_smallworld_4th_gen
Super Private /nfs/db3/super_private_smallworld_4th_gen
SWBB /nfs/db3/swbb_5th_gen
SWCC /nfs/db3/swcc_5th_gen

Customize Smallworld FrontEnd To Our Needs (Smallworld 5.5)

These instructions only worked and compiled for me in the machine called epyc which is running Rocky 8 Linux operating system.

Summary of changes in swsearch.js:

  • Conditional hyperlinks attached to smallworld hits. Leads to zinc20, cartblanche22, or nothing.
  • Adding clipboard icon to copy SMILES of hits.

Summary of changes in search.html:

  • Add 'Ask Questions' and contact info
  • Add 'Database Information' hyperlink
  • Pre-toggle Advanced Option

Summary of changes in smallworld-swagger.yaml:

  • Change API route to be just "/"

Install Prerequisite Packages

  1. Install Apache Maven
    • dnf install maven -y
  2. In your home directory, create a new directory to hold the files for the upcoming procedures
    • mkdir /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source
  3. Download these latest Smallworlds and store them in 'smallworld_build_from_source/'. Here's how to download Smallworld.
    • smallworld-java-5.5.tar.gz
    • smallworld-java-src-5.5.tar.gz
  4. Extract contents from the tar.gz files
    • tar -xvf smallworld-java-5.5.tar.gz
      tar -xvf smallworld-java-src-5.5.tar.gz
  5. Install Apache Maven Smallworld Dependencies
    • cd /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java/lib/

Customizing swsearch.js

Location: /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/js/swsearch.js

Conditional Hyperlinks

  1. vim /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/js/swsearch.js
  2. Search for this
    • ?div.append("<b>" + id + "</b>");
  3. Replace the inside of the else statement with these lines of code
    •                 if (id.substring(0,6) == "ZINC00") {
                              div.append("<b><a target='_blank' href='"+id+"'>" + id + "</a></b>");
                      } else if(id.substring(0,4) == "ZINC" && id.substring(4,6) != "00") {
                              div.append("<b><a target='_blank' href='"+id+"'>" + id + "</a></b>");
                      } else {
                              div.append("<b>" + id + "</b>");

Copy SMILES of Hits

  1. Search for this
    ?var $props
  2. Add this line at the end of the appends
                                   .append('<br/><b>Copy SMILES: </b><a href="#" onclick="copySmiles(\'' + get_smiles_parts(data.hitSmiles)[0] + '\');" ><i class="fa fa-clipboard" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>');
  3. It should look like this
            var $props = $('<div>').append('<b>SWIDX:</b> ' + data.anonIdx)
                                   .append('<br/><b>MW:</b> ' +
                                   .append('<br/><b>MF:</b> ' +
                                   .append('<br/><b>Copy SMILES: </b><a href="#" onclick="copySmiles(\'' + get_smiles_parts(data.hitSmiles)[0] + '\');" ><i class="fa fa-clipboard" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>');
  4. Then add this function anywhere except inside another function's scope
    function copySmiles(smiles) {

Customizing search.html

Location: /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/search.html

Add 'Ask Questions' and 'Database Information'

  1. vim /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/search.html
  2. Search 'Scoring Methods'
    ?Scoring Methods
  3. At the end of that big block of 'div', add these:
    <div class="section-head">
            Ask Questions
            <table class="swopt searchasyoudraw" style="width: 100%">
                    <th style="text-align: left">Email us:</th>
    <div class="section-head">
            Database Descriptions
            <table class="swopt searchasyoudraw" style="width: 100%">
                    <th style="text-align: left">
                           <a href="" target="_blank">Database Information Link</a>
  4. It should look like this
                <div class="section-head">
                    Scoring Methods
                <table id="swscore">
            <div class="section-head">
                    Ask Questions
                    <table class="swopt searchasyoudraw" style="width: 100%">
                            <th style="text-align: left">Email us:</th>
            <div class="section-head">
                    Database Descriptions
                    <table class="swopt searchasyoudraw" style="width: 100%">
                            <th style="text-align: left">
                                    <a href="" target="_blank">Database Information Link</a>

Pre-toggle Advanced Option

  1. Inside the script element, add this function
    window.onload = function() {
            $('#advPanel').css('display', $(this).prop('checked', true) && 'block'); update_visible_columns();
  2. Then search for "update_visible_columns" and scroll till you find the input checkbox element
  3. In the input box element, add the checked option. Should look like this
    <input name="optAdv" type="checkbox"
                               onchange="$('#advPanel').css('display', $(this).prop('checked') ? 'block' : 'none'); update_visible_columns();" checked>

Change API Route to "/"

  1. path smallworld-java-src/web/target/sw-ws-5.6.1/WEB-INF/static/swagger/smallworld-swagger.yaml

Compile Code To Make WAR File

  1. Build WAR File
    cd /nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src
    mvn install -Pbootable
  2. If it works, then the new WAR File is located at /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src/web/target/sw-ws-5.5.war

Restarting Smallworld Instance(s)

Old Way

  1. Ssh to abacus and become root
  2. execute to show restart all instances on the machine
    bash /root/
  3. execute start_smallworld to restart specific Smallworld instance. It will show you options to choose from.

New Way

  1. Ssh to abacus and become root. Then run
    systemctl <start|stop|restart> <sw|swp|swc|swbb|swcc>