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Written by Jennifer Young on December 16, 2019. Last edited January 05, 2021
== Introduction ==
[ Here is the link to Arthor's manual]
* Username:
* Password: <Ask>

==Install and Set Up on TomCat (Method 1)==
Arthor configurations and the frontend files are consolidated in '''/nfs/soft2/arthor_configs/'''.
Arthor ran on n-1-136, which runs CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core).  You can check the version of CentOS with the following command
    cat /etc/centos-release

Check your current version of Java with the following command:
'''/nfs/soft2/arthor_configs/''' can start/restart Arthor instances on respective machines.
    java -version

On n-1-136 we are running openjdk version "1.8.0_222", OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_222-b10), and OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.222-b10, mixed mode)
Launch the script to see the options available.
If Java is not installed, install it using yum

==See this wiki page for more detailed information about installing Tomcat on our cluster==
== How To Download Arthor ==
# Ssh to nfs-soft2 and become root. Prepare directory
#: <source> mkdir /export/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-<version> && cd /export/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-<version> </source>
# [ Download Software with this link]
#* Username:
#* Password: <Ask>
# Go to releases. Look for ''' smallworld-java-<version>.tar.gz ''' and copy the link address.
# Download using wget
#: <source> wget --user --password <Ask> <link address> </source>
# Decompress the file
#* <source> tar -xvf <file_name> </source>

==Open port for Arthor==
== How To Launch Arthor For The First Time ==
In order for Arthor to be usable in the browser, the port you wish to run it on must be opened.
=== Prepare Files and Directories ===
# Ssh to nfs-exc and become root
# Open a port in the firewall
===Step 1: Check Port Status===
#: <source>firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=<port_number>/tcp  
Check that the port is not open and that Apache is not showing that port.
firewall-cmd --reload
    netstat -na | grep <port number you are checking>
# Go to Arthor Config directory
    lsof -i -P |grep http
#: <source>cd /export/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-<latest_version></source>
# Create an Arthor config file
===Step 2: Check Port Status in IP Tables===
#: <source>vim <name_of_file>.cfg</source>
    iptables-save | grep <port number you are checking>
#* Add these lines in the file. Check the manual for more options.
#: <source>
I skipped Step 3 from the guide, because there was a lot of information in the /etc/services file and I didn't want to edit it and break something.
===Step 4: Open Firewall Ports===
I did not include the zone=public section because the stand-alone servers are usually used for private instances of Arthor and SmallWorld.
Run as root.
    firewall-cmd --add-port=<port number you are adding>/tcp --permanent
You need to reload the firewall after a change is made.
    firewall-cmd --reload
=== Start Arthor Instance ===
# Now ssh into a machine you wish to run an Arthor instance on and become root
===Step 5: Check that port is working===
# Change your shell to bash if you havn't already
To check that the port is active, run.
#: <source>bash</source>
    iptables -nL
# Create a screen
#: <source>screen -S <screen_name></source>
You should see something along the lines of:  
# Prepare Arthor Config Path
    ACCEPT    tcp  --              tcp dpt:<port number you're adding> ctstate NEW,UNTRACKED
#: <source>export ARTHOR_CONFIG="/nfs/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-<version>/<name_of_config_file>.cfg"</source>
# Launch java
==How to run standalone Arthor instance==
#: <source>java -jar -Dserver.port=<port_number> /nfs/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-<version>/arthor-server-<version>.war</source>
===Step 1: Use or start a bash shell===
You can check your default shell using
    echo $SHELL
If your default shell is csh, use
to start a new bash shell in the current terminal window. Note that echo $SHELL will show you your default shell regardless of the current shell.
===Step 2: Set your environment variables===
    export ARTHOR_DIR=/opt/nextmove/arthor/arthor-3.3-centos7
    export PATH=$ARTHOR_DIR/bin/:$PATH
Make sure the ARTHOR_DIR variable is set to the directory for the latest version of Arthor or whichever version you would like to test.
The PATH environment variable is needed if you wish to use the Arthor tools from the command line
===Step 3: Run the arthor-server.jar===
    java -jar /opt/nextmove/arthor/arthor-3.3-centos7/java/arthor.jar --httpPort <your httpPort>
==Setting environment variables for an Arthor Server==
Set the environment variables in the file.  Note: Be sure to edit the file in the directory corresponding to the latest version of TomCat.  As of December 2019, we are running 9.0.27 on n-1-136.
  vim  /opt/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.27/bin/
Add the line below to the file above, or substitute the path to wherever you currently store the arthor.cfg file
  export ARTHOR_CONFIG=/usr/local/tomcat/arthor.cfg
Here is an example of the arthor.cfg file:

=== Configuration Details ===
=== Configuration Details ===
*'''BinDir''': is the location of the Arthor command line binaries.  These are used to generate the Arthor index files and to perform searches directly on n-1-136.  An example of this would be using atdbgrep for substructure search.

*'''DataDir''': This is the directory where the Arthor data files live.  Location where the index files will be created and loaded from.
*'''DataDir''': This is the directory where the Arthor data files live.  Location where the index files will be created and loaded from.
Line 97: Line 68:
*'''Resolver''': Using Smallworld API, allows input box to take in a SMILE format and automatically draw on the board.
*'''Resolver''': Using Smallworld API, allows input box to take in a SMILE format and automatically draw on the board.

Check Arthor manual for more configuration options.
'''Check Arthor manual for more configuration options'''

== How to Build Arthor Databases==
Before working with Arthor, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the Arthor documentation. Some useful pages to look at include 3-5, 22-25 and 33-39. Of course, reading everything would be the best!
We can build Arthor Databases anywhere. Consolidate smiles into one directory so you can index them all one by one.

==Checking Disk Space Usage==
Just use the script located at '''/nfs/home/jjg/scripts/''' at the directory where you stored the smiles.
Before building arthor indexes, it's always a good thing to check what percent of the memory is being used. Try to be cautious with how much memory you have left, and make sure to check while building indexes to make sure that you have enough space. To check, run the following command:

  df -h /<directory with disc>
Here is the content of the script:

==Building Large Databases==
At the moment, we are building databases of size 500M molecules by merging smile files. There are multiple methods of trying to create large databases, one being merging based off of the same H?? prefix and stopping once the database reaches > 500M molecules (or whatever upperbound you want to use). Here is some python code that simulates this merging process. Essentially the program takes all of the .smi files within an input directory, sorts them lexiographically, and begins merging these .smi files together in order until the size reaches > 500M molecules.
Feel free to modify it if you think a better method exists.
  import subprocess
  import sys
  import os                                                                                                                                                                         
  from os import listdir
  from os.path import isfile, join
  mypath = "<Path to directory holding .smi files>"
  onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(mypath) if isfile(join(mypath, f))]
  create_fp = True
  cur_mols = 0
  lower_bound = 500000000
  upper_bound = 600000000
  files_to_merge = []
  def merge_files(f_t_m):
      arr = f_t_m[0].split(".")
      arr2 = f_t_m[len(f_t_m) - 1].split(".")
      file_name_merge = (arr[0] + "_" + arr2[0] + ".smi")
      print ("File being created: " + file_name_merge)
      for file in f_t_m:
        tmp = file.split(".")
        process = subprocess.Popen("cat " + join(mypath, file) + " >> " + file_name_merge, shell=True)
  for file in onlyfiles:
      arr = file.split(".")
      if (arr[len(arr) - 1] == "smi"):
        print("Working with " + file)
        mol = sum(1 for line in open(join(mypath, file)))
        print(file, mol, cur_mols)
        if (cur_mols + mol > lower_bound):
            if (cur_mols + mol < upper_bound):
              cur_mols = 0
              cur_mols = 0
            cur_mols += mol
  if (len(files_to_merge) != 0):

==Building Arthor Indexes==
Once you've merged the .smi files together, it's time to start building the databases themselves. To do this we use the command

  smi2atdb -j 0 -p <The .smi file> <The .atdb>
export ARTHOR_DIR=/nfs/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-$version/arthor-$version-centos8/
export PATH=$ARTHOR_DIR/bin/:$PATH

The flag "-j 0" enables parallel generation and utilizes all available processors to generate the .atdb file. The "-p" flag stores the offset position in the ATDB file. Since we're building indexes for the Web Application, you must use the "-p" flag when building indexes. Please note that the name of the .smi file should also be the name of the .atdb file. That way, the Web Application knows to use these files together and correctly display the required images. Refer to pages 33-34 in the Arthor documentation for more information.
for j in $target
        echo 'smi2atdb -v -r -j '$threads' -p '$j' '${j}'.atdb |& tee -a '${j}'_log'
        time smi2atdb -v -r -j $threads -p $j ${j}.atdb |& tee -a ${j}_log
echo 'smi2atfp -j '$threads' -p '$j' '${j}.atfp' |& tee -a '${j}'_log'
        time smi2atfp -j $threads -p $j ${j}.atfp |& tee -a ${j}_log

If there are too many large .smi files and you do not want to manually build each .atdb file, you can use this python script which takes all of the .smi files in the current directory and converts them to .atdb files. Make sure to modify mypath to the directory containing the .smi files. You can change the variable "create_fp" to false if you don't want to create .atdb.fp files (refer to page 9 in the Arthor documentation).
for i in $target*atdb
echo 'atdb2fp -j '$threads' '$i
        time atdb2fp -j $threads $i
chmod 744 $i.fp

  import subprocess
=== Command Details ===
  import sys
'''smi2atdb''' creates the atdb files needed for Substructure searching.
  import os
*'''-v''' verbose
*'''-r''' Compute and store ring size information in the index allowing ring size (3-10) expressions ([r6] and [Z5])
  from os import listdir
*'''-j''' is the amount of threads to use to index the smiles file
  from os.path import isfile, join
*'''-p''' stores the position of the original file
'''atdb2fp''' makes substructure searching faster
  mypath = "<Path containing the .smi files"
  onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(mypath) if isfile(join(mypath, f))]
  create_fp = True
  for file in onlyfiles:
      arr = file.split(".")
      if (arr[len(arr) - 1] == "smi"):
        process = subprocess.Popen("/nfs/ex9/work/xyz/psql/arthor-3.3-centos7/bin/smi2atdb -j 0 -p {0} {1}.atdb".format(join(mypath, file), arr[0]), shell=True)
        print("SUCCESS! {0}.atdb file was created!".format(arr[0]))
        if (create_fp):
            process = subprocess.Popen("/nfs/ex9/work/xyz/psql/arthor-3.3-centos7/bin/atdb2fp -j 0 {0}.atdb".format(arr[0]), shell=True)
            print("SUCCESS! {0}.atdb.fp file was created!".format(arr[0]))

==Uploading Indexes to the Web Application==
'''smi2atfp''' creates atfp files for similarity searching
One can upload indexes to the Web Application by changing the "DATADIR" variable in the arthor.cfg file to the directory holding the .atdb files. This is already set up on n-1-136 and n-5-34.
==Virtual Memory==
In addition to modifying the arthor.cfg file, virtual memory can also be used to make queries faster. There can still be More information can be found in pages 10-16 in the Arthor Documentation.

==Setting up Round Table==
==Setting up Round Table==
This is a new feature in Arthor 3.0 and is currently beta (January 2020). See section 2.4 in the manual
"Round Table allows you to serve and split chemical searches across multiple host machines.  The implementation provides a lightweight proxy that forwards requests to other Arthor host servers that do the actual search.  Communication is done using the existing Web APIs.
As explained in the manual, "Round Table allows you to serve and split chemical searches across multiple host machines.  The implementation provides a lightweight proxy that forwards requests to other Arthor host servers that do the actual search.  Communication is done using the existing Web APIs.
Since Arthor requires CentOS 7, as of January 2020 we have 6 servers that are capable of running Arthor with Round Table.
===Setting up Host Server===
===Setting up Host Server===
If we want to add machines to the Round Table, for example 'nun' and 'samekh', we need to edit their arthor.cfg file so that when our Local Machine passes commands these secondary servers know to perform the search they are given.
# Ssh to nfs-soft2 and become root
# Open a port in the firewall
  $ cat arthor.cfg
#: <source>firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=<port_number>/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload
  DATADIR=<Directory where smiles are located>
# Go to Arthor Config Directory
#: <source>cd /export/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-<version></source>
We then run the jar server on each of these host machines containing data on any available port.
# Create Round Table Head configuration file. Here is an example:
# <source>
  java -jar /nfs/ex9/work/xyz/psql/arthor-3.3-centos7/java/arthor.jar --httpPort <port>
For our local machine, the arthor.cfg file will look different.
  $ cat arthor.cfg
# Now ssh into a machine you wish to run the round table head on and become root
  RemoteClient=http://skynet:<port number where jar server is running>/
# Change your shell to bash if you havn't already
  RemoteClient=http://hal:<port number where jar server is running>/
#: <source>bash</source>
# Create a screen
Please refer to Section 2 in the RoundTable Documentation file (pages 6-8) for more useful information on configuration.
#: <source>screen -S <screen_name></source>
# Prepare Arthor Config Path
Then run the following command on n-1-136:
#: <source>export ARTHOR_CONFIG="/nfs/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-<version>/<round_table_head>.cfg"</source>
# Launch java
  java -jar /nfs/ex9/work/xyz/psql/arthor-3.3-centos7/java/arthor.jar --httpPort <port>
#: <source>java -jar /nfs/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-<version>/arthor-<version>-centos7/java/arthor.jar --httpPort=<port_number></source>

== Active Arthor Instances ==
===Public Arthor===
===Public Arthor===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! CentOS 7 Machine
! Rocky Linux Machine
! Port
! Port
! Total Files Size
! Arthor Install Location
! Round Table Data Directory
! Round Table Data Directory
! Active
! Which Arthor
| samekh
| 2.4TB
| /opt/nextmove/arthor/arthor-3.3-centos7/
| /local2/public_arthor/
| active
| nun
| 2.4TB
| /opt/nextmove/arthor/arthor-3.3-centos7/
| /local2/public_arthor/
| active
| n-9-22
| arthor
| 2.4TB
| /local3/public_arthor/
| /opt/nextmove/arthor/arthor-3.3-centos7/
| Public Arthor
| /export/db4/public_arthor/
| active

===Arthor Round Table Head===
===Private Arthor===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! CentOS 7 Machine
! Rocky Linux Machine
! Port
! Port
! Database
! Arthor Install Location
! Round Table Data Directory
! Round Table Data Directory
! Active
! Which Arthor
| samekh
| Enamine_REAL_Q2-2020-All-13B
| /opt/nextmove/arthor/arthor-3.3-centos7/
| /local2/arthor_database/
| active
| nun
| arthor
| Enamine_REAL_Q2-2020-All-41B
| /local3/private_arthor/
| /opt/nextmove/arthor/arthor-3.3-centos7/
| Private Arthor
| /local2/arthor_database/
| active

===Arthor Round Table Nodes===
===Super Private Arthor===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! CentOS 7 Machine
! Rocky Linux Machine
! Port
! Port
! Database
! Total Files Size
! Arthor Install Location
! Round Table Data Directory
! Round Table Data Directory
! Which Arthor
| samekh
| Enamine_REAL_Q2-2020-All-13B (26 slices)
| 4.5TB
| /opt/nextmove/arthor/arthor-3.3-centos7/
| /local2/arthor_database/
| active
| nun
| Enamine_REAL_Space_June_2020_S41B (aa-ae, 5 slices), Enamine_REAL_Space_June_2020_M41B (af-am, 8 slices), zinc22_2d (H04~H25, 22 slices)
| 5.6TB
| /opt/nextmove/arthor/arthor-3.3-centos7/
| /local2/arthor_database/
| active
| n-1-17
| arthor
| Enamine_REAL_Space_June_2020_M41B (aa-ae, 5 slices), zinc22_2d (H25~H29, 4 slices)
| /local3/super_private_arthor/
| 3.7TB
| Private Arthor
| /opt/nextmove/arthor/arthor-3.3-centos7/
| /local2/arthor_database/
| active
| n-5-32
| Enamine_REAL_Space_June_2020_M41B (an~az, 13 slices), zinc22_2d (H30, 1 slice)
| 5.6TB
| /opt/nextmove/arthor/arthor-3.3-centos7/
| /local2/arthor_database/
| active
| n-5-33
| Enamine_REAL_Space_June_2020_M41B (ba-bl, 12 slices)
| 5.3TB
| /opt/nextmove/arthor/arthor-3.3-centos7/
| /local2/arthor_database/
| active

===Arthor Local 8081 (Datasets all local to samekh/nun)===
===Arthor BB, CC, and Covalent===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! CentOS 7 Machine
! CentOS 7 Machine
! Port
! Port
! Database
! Data Directory
! Total Files Size
! Which Arthor
! Arthor Install Location
! Round Table Data Directory
| epyc-A40
| /local2/arthorbb
| ArthorBB
| samekh
| epyc-A40
| Enamine_REAL_Q2-2020-All-13B (26 slices)
| /local2/arthorcc
| 4.5TB
| ArthorCC
| /opt/nextmove/arthor/arthor-3.3-centos7/
| /local2/arthor_local_8081/
| active
| nun
| epyc-A40
| Enamine_REAL_Space_June_2020_S41B (aa-ae, 5 slices), Enamine_REAL_Space_June_2020_M41B (aa-an, 14 slices)
| /local2/arthorcovalent
| 4.3TB
| Arthor Covalent
| /opt/nextmove/arthor/arthor-3.3-centos7/
| /local2/arthor_local_8081/
| active

== Customizing Arthor Code to our needs ==
== Customizing Arthor Frontend To Our Needs (Arthor 4.1) ==
If Arthor Sever is launched through "java -jar /opt/nextmove/arthor/arthor-3.3.2-centos7/java/arthor.jar --httpPort=<port>", find the directory where this line of code was executed. Once found do '''ls -a''', there should be a hidden directory called .extract.
'''These instructions only worked and compiled for me in the machine called epyc which is running Rocky 8 Linux operating system.'''
=== Change Arthor Download Size (Hardcoded) ===
vim .extract/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/static/js/index.js
Summary of changes in index.html:
?#arthor_sdf_link //search this
*Add contact info
*Look for 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:<number>
*Advertise TLDR
*Change number to desirec amount
*Remove button for Formula
=== Change Arthor Download Size (Options) ===
*Database Information Link
vim .extract/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/static/index.html
search this: “res-download”
Summary of changes in index.js:
in the div with the class=”dropdown-content”
*Hyperlink the results to zinc20 or cartblanche22
add these link options and change the number accordingly:
*Copy SMILES with clipboard button
                <a id="arthor_tsv_link" href="#"><i class="fa fa-download"></i> TSV-500</a>
                <a id="arthor_tsv_link_1000" href="#"><i class="fa fa-download"></i> TSV-1,000</a>
Summary of changes in sketcher.js:
                <a id="arthor_tsv_link_5000" href="#"><i class="fa fa-download"></i> TSV-5,000</a>
*Input box should be updated as user draws molecule
                <a id="arthor_csv_link" href="#"><i class="fa fa-download"></i> CSV-500</a>
                <a id="arthor_csv_link_1000" href="#"><i class="fa fa-downloafund"></i> CSV-1,000</a>
Summary of changes in arthor-swagger.yaml.js:
                <a id="arthor_csv_link_5000" href="#"><i class="fa fa-download"></i> CSV-5,000</a>
*Make API point to "/"
                <a id="arthor_sdf_link" href="#"><i class="fa fa-download"></i> SDF-500</a>
                <a id="arthor_sdf_link_1000" href="#"><i class="fa fa-download"></i> SDF-1,000</a>
                <a id="arthor_sdf_link_5000" href="#"><i class="fa fa-download"></i> SDF-5,000</a>
=== Install Prerequisite Packages ===
then vim .extract/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/static/js/index.js
# Install Apache Maven
For arthor 3.3.2 search this: “function $(){”
#* <source>dnf install maven -y</source>
For arthor 3.3 search this: “function Fs()” or “#arthor_tsv_link”
# Install Node Package Manager (NPM)
Separate this function from the rest of the code from beginning and end of the function
#* <source>dnf install npm -y</source>
For arthor 3.3.2, edit the function for example:
# In your home directory, create a new directory to hold the files for the upcoming procedures
function $(){
#* <source>mkdir /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source</source>
         if(document.getElementById("arthor_tsv_link")) {
# Download these latest Arthors and store them in 'arthor_build_from_source/'. [[Arthor Documentation for Future Developer#How To Download Arthor|Here's how to download Arthor.]]
                var t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?
#* arthor-4.1-source.tar.gz
#* arthor-4.1-centos8.tar.gz
# Extract contents from the tar.gz files
#* <source>tar -xvf arthor-4.1-source.tar.gz
tar -xvf arthor-4.1-centos8.tar.gz</source>
# Install Apache Maven Arthor dependencies through this script located at '''nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/'''
#* <source>
export ARTHOR_DIR=/mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-$version/arthor-$version-centos8/java/
export OS=linux
export VERSION=$version
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=$ARTHOR_DIR/arthor-jni-${OS}.jar \
                        -Dpackaging=jar \
                        -DgeneratePom=true \
                        -DartifactId=arthor-jni-${OS} \
                        -DgroupId=com.nextmovesoftware.arthor \
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=$ARTHOR_DIR/arthor-jni.jar \
                        -Dpackaging=jar \
                        -DgeneratePom=true \
                        -DartifactId=arthor-jni \
                        -DgroupId=com.nextmovesoftware.arthor \
=== Customizing Index.html ===
Location: /nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1/arthor-4.1-source/server-ui/src/index.html
==== Add contact info and tldr ====
# vim /nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1/arthor-4.1-source/server-ui/src/index.html
# Search for 'arthor_table_list'
#: <source>?arthor_table_list</source>
# Add contact info, a plug to, and database link after the div block where arthor_table_list is inside of. It should look like this
#: <source lang="html">
      <div class="opt-box-border">
        <!-- This will be populated by available databases -->
        <ul id="arthor_table_list">
          <li class="placeholder">Please select a search type</li>
      <div class="opt-box-border">
        <label>Ask Questions</label>
        Email us:
      <div class="opt-box-border">
        <label> To Download 100K+ Results</label>
        Sign up for <a href=""></a> and use arthorbatch
      <div class="opt-box-border">
        <label> Database Information</label>
        <a href="" target="_blank">Database Information Link</a>
==== Remove Similarity and Formula Buttons ====
# vim /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1/arthor-4.1-source/server-ui/src/index.html
# Search for 'arthor_search_list'
#: <source> ?arthor_search_list </source>
# Delete and Replace the whole 'ul' element block with this
#: <source lang="html">
          <li value="Similarity" onclick="setSearchType(this)" class="first">
          </li><li value="Substructure" onclick="setSearchType(this)">
          </li><li value="SMARTS" onclick="setSearchType(this)" class="last">
          <!--<li value="Formula" onclick="setSearchType(this)" class="last">
=== Customize Index.js ===
==== Conditional Hyperlinks ====
Location /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1-source/server-ui/src/index.js
# Add the zinc20 hyperlink to the Arthor results. Search for this
#: <source lang="javascript">
$info.append($("<tr>").append($('<td class="identifier">').append(id)));
# Delete the contents of the whole else block and replace it with this
#: <source lang="javascript">
         if (id.substring(0, 6) == "ZINC00") {
            $('<td class="identifier">').append("<b><a target='_blank' href='"+id+"'>" + id + "</a></b>")));
                "<span class='table_name'>" + table_name + "</span>",
        } else if (id.substring(0,4) == "ZINC" && id.substring(4,6) != "00") {
            $('<td class="identifier">').append("<b><a target='_blank' href='"+id+"'>" + id + "</a></b>")));
                "<span class='table_name'>" + table_name + "</span>",
        } else {
          $info.append($("<tr>").append($('<td class="identifier">').append(id)));
                "<span class='table_name'>" + table_name + "</span>",
        if (document.getElementById("arthor_tsv_link_1000")) {
                var t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?  
==== Copy SMILES Clipboard ====
# Search this
#: <source>?parser</source>
# At the end of the the try block add this
        if (document.getElementById("arthor_tsv_link_5000")) {
#: <source lang="javascript">
                var t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?
            $('<td>').append('Copy SMILES: <a href="#" onclick="navigator.clipboard.writeText(\'' + parser.smi + '\');"  ><i class="fa fa-clipboard" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>')));
# The whole try and catch block should look like this
For arthor 3.3, edit the function for example:
#: <source lang="javascript">
function Fs(){
try {
        if(document.getElementById("arthor_tsv_link")) {
      var parser = new SmiJs.Parser(data);
                var t = arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?
      if (parser.parse()) {
        if (document.getElementById("arthor_tsv_link_1000")) {
                var t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?
        if (document.getElementById("arthor_tsv_link_5000")) {
            $('<td>').append('Copy SMILES: <a href="#" onclick="navigator.clipboard.writeText(\'' + parser.smi + '\');"  ><i class="fa fa-clipboard" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>')));
                var t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?
    } catch(err) {
=== Take out Similarity Button ===
vim .extract/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/static/index.html
=== Customize Sketcher.js ===
?Similarity //search this
Location: /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1-source/server-ui/src/sketcher.js
*Comment out this line '''< li value="Similarity" onclick="setSearchType(this)" class="first"> Similarity </li >''' //added spaces at the beginning and end so prevent wiki from converting it
=== Hyperlink to zinc20 ===
==== Input Box Updates as User Draws ====
vim .extract/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/static/js/index.js
#vim /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1-source/server-ui/src/sketcher.js
?table_name //search this
#Search for this line "var smiles = event.src.smiles();"
*find this line "< b>" + d + "< /b>"
#* <source>?var smiles = event.src.smiles();</source>
*replace with '''"< b><a target='_blank' href='"+d+"'>" + d + "</a></b >"''' //added spaces at the beginning and end so prevent wiki from converting it
#Add this new line below it
#* <source lang="javascript">$('#ar_text_input').val(smiles);</source>
=== Customize arthor-swagger.yaml ===
Location: /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1/arthor-4.1-source/server/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/swagger/arthor-swagger.yaml
==== Change URL Base Path for API Call ====
# vim /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1/arthor-4.1-source/server/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/swagger/arthor-swagger.yaml
# Search for "servers"
#* <source>?basePath</source>
# Remove "arthor" and keep argument as "/"
=== Compile/Minify Code through NPM ===
# Install NPM packages and Minify Code
#* <source>
cd /nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1/arthor-4.1-source/server-ui
npm install
npx webpack-dev-server
npx webpack --mode=production
# If the npx commands don't work, try updating node and npm version to the latest one.
# Build the war file
#* <source>
cd /nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1/arthor-4.1-source/server
mvn install -Pbootable
# If it works, then the path to new war file is at /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1/arthor-4.1-source/server/target/arthor-server-4.1.war
== Adding Arthor to Systemd (example) ==
# Create service files
#: <source>
touch /etc/systemd/system/arthor.service
# Add this code block in the service file
#: <source>
Description=Arthor Public Instance
ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash /nfs/soft2/arthor_configs/ -arthor
ExecStop=/bin/kill -15 $MAINPID
# Change "ExecStart" to other Arthor Instances
== Restarting Arthor Instance(s) Instructions ==
=== Public, Private Arthor, and Super Private Arthor ===
# ssh to "arthor" server and run
#: <source>
systemctl <start|stop|restart> <arthor|arthorp|arthorc>
=== ArthorBB, ArthorCC, and ArthorCovalent ===
# ssh to "epyc-a40" server and run
#: <source>
systemctl <start|stop|restart> <arthorbb|arthorcc|arthorcovalent>

=== Make Input Box Work ===
At the end of the Arthor config file add this:
To copy smiles in the input box:
    vim .extract/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/static/js/index.js
    search this: “var e=t.src.smiles()”
    add this after the semi-colon
        document.getElementById("ar_text_input").value = e;

Latest revision as of 20:23, 22 November 2024


Here is the link to Arthor's manual

  • Username:
  • Password: <Ask>

Arthor configurations and the frontend files are consolidated in /nfs/soft2/arthor_configs/.

/nfs/soft2/arthor_configs/ can start/restart Arthor instances on respective machines.

Launch the script to see the options available.

How To Download Arthor

  1. Ssh to nfs-soft2 and become root. Prepare directory
     mkdir /export/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-<version> && cd /export/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-<version>
  2. Download Software with this link
    • Username:
    • Password: <Ask>
  3. Go to releases. Look for smallworld-java-<version>.tar.gz and copy the link address.
  4. Download using wget
     wget --user --password <Ask> <link address>
  5. Decompress the file
    •  tar -xvf <file_name>

How To Launch Arthor For The First Time

Prepare Files and Directories

  1. Ssh to nfs-exc and become root
  2. Open a port in the firewall
    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=<port_number>/tcp 
    firewall-cmd --reload
  3. Go to Arthor Config directory
    cd /export/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-<latest_version>
  4. Create an Arthor config file
    vim <name_of_file>.cfg
    • Add these lines in the file. Check the manual for more options.

Start Arthor Instance

  1. Now ssh into a machine you wish to run an Arthor instance on and become root
  2. Change your shell to bash if you havn't already
  3. Create a screen
    screen -S <screen_name>
  4. Prepare Arthor Config Path
    export ARTHOR_CONFIG="/nfs/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-<version>/<name_of_config_file>.cfg"
  5. Launch java
    java -jar -Dserver.port=<port_number> /nfs/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-<version>/arthor-server-<version>.war

Configuration Details

  • DataDir: This is the directory where the Arthor data files live. Location where the index files will be created and loaded from.
  • MaxConcurrentSearches: Controls the maximum number of searches that can be run concurrently by setting the database pool size. When switching between a large number of databases it can be useful to have a larger pool size, the only trade off is keeping file pointers open.
  • MaxThreadsPerSearch: The number of threads to use for both ATDB and ATFP searches
  • Set AutomaticIndex to false if you don't want new smiles files added to the data directory to be indexed automatically
  • AsyncHitCountMax: The upper-bound for the number of hits to retrieve in background searches.
  • Resolver: Using Smallworld API, allows input box to take in a SMILE format and automatically draw on the board.

Check Arthor manual for more configuration options

How to Build Arthor Databases

We can build Arthor Databases anywhere. Consolidate smiles into one directory so you can index them all one by one.

Just use the script located at /nfs/home/jjg/scripts/ at the directory where you stored the smiles.

Here is the content of the script:



export ARTHOR_DIR=/nfs/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-$version/arthor-$version-centos8/
export PATH=$ARTHOR_DIR/bin/:$PATH

for j in $target
        echo 'smi2atdb -v -r -j '$threads' -p '$j' '${j}'.atdb |& tee -a '${j}'_log'
        time smi2atdb -v -r -j $threads -p $j ${j}.atdb |& tee -a ${j}_log
	echo 'smi2atfp -j '$threads' -p '$j' '${j}.atfp' |& tee -a '${j}'_log'
        time smi2atfp -j $threads -p $j ${j}.atfp |& tee -a ${j}_log

for i in $target*atdb
	echo 'atdb2fp -j '$threads' '$i
        time atdb2fp -j $threads $i
	chmod 744 $i.fp

Command Details

smi2atdb creates the atdb files needed for Substructure searching.

  • -v verbose
  • -r Compute and store ring size information in the index allowing ring size (3-10) expressions ([r6] and [Z5])
  • -j is the amount of threads to use to index the smiles file
  • -p stores the position of the original file

atdb2fp makes substructure searching faster

smi2atfp creates atfp files for similarity searching

Setting up Round Table

"Round Table allows you to serve and split chemical searches across multiple host machines. The implementation provides a lightweight proxy that forwards requests to other Arthor host servers that do the actual search. Communication is done using the existing Web APIs.

Setting up Host Server

  1. Ssh to nfs-soft2 and become root
  2. Open a port in the firewall
    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=<port_number>/tcp 
    firewall-cmd --reload
  3. Go to Arthor Config Directory
    cd /export/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-<version>
  4. Create Round Table Head configuration file. Here is an example:
  5. [RoundTable]
  6. Now ssh into a machine you wish to run the round table head on and become root
  7. Change your shell to bash if you havn't already
  8. Create a screen
    screen -S <screen_name>
  9. Prepare Arthor Config Path
    export ARTHOR_CONFIG="/nfs/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-<version>/<round_table_head>.cfg"
  10. Launch java
    java -jar /nfs/soft2/arthor_configs/arthor-<version>/arthor-<version>-centos7/java/arthor.jar --httpPort=<port_number>

Active Arthor Instances

Public Arthor

Rocky Linux Machine Port Round Table Data Directory Which Arthor
arthor /local3/public_arthor/ Public Arthor

Private Arthor

Rocky Linux Machine Port Round Table Data Directory Which Arthor
arthor /local3/private_arthor/ Private Arthor

Super Private Arthor

Rocky Linux Machine Port Round Table Data Directory Which Arthor
arthor /local3/super_private_arthor/ Private Arthor

Arthor BB, CC, and Covalent

CentOS 7 Machine Port Data Directory Which Arthor
epyc-A40 /local2/arthorbb ArthorBB
epyc-A40 /local2/arthorcc ArthorCC
epyc-A40 /local2/arthorcovalent Arthor Covalent

Customizing Arthor Frontend To Our Needs (Arthor 4.1)

These instructions only worked and compiled for me in the machine called epyc which is running Rocky 8 Linux operating system.

Summary of changes in index.html:

  • Add contact info
  • Advertise TLDR
  • Remove button for Formula
  • Database Information Link

Summary of changes in index.js:

  • Hyperlink the results to zinc20 or cartblanche22
  • Copy SMILES with clipboard button

Summary of changes in sketcher.js:

  • Input box should be updated as user draws molecule

Summary of changes in arthor-swagger.yaml.js:

  • Make API point to "/"

Install Prerequisite Packages

  1. Install Apache Maven
    • dnf install maven -y
  2. Install Node Package Manager (NPM)
    • dnf install npm -y
  3. In your home directory, create a new directory to hold the files for the upcoming procedures
    • mkdir /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source
  4. Download these latest Arthors and store them in 'arthor_build_from_source/'. Here's how to download Arthor.
    • arthor-4.1-source.tar.gz
    • arthor-4.1-centos8.tar.gz
  5. Extract contents from the tar.gz files
    • tar -xvf arthor-4.1-source.tar.gz
      tar -xvf arthor-4.1-centos8.tar.gz
  6. Install Apache Maven Arthor dependencies through this script located at nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/
    • #!/bin/bash
      export ARTHOR_DIR=/mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-$version/arthor-$version-centos8/java/
      export OS=linux
      export VERSION=$version
      mvn install:install-file -Dfile=$ARTHOR_DIR/arthor-jni-${OS}.jar \
                               -Dpackaging=jar \
                               -DgeneratePom=true \
                               -DartifactId=arthor-jni-${OS} \
                               -DgroupId=com.nextmovesoftware.arthor \
      mvn install:install-file -Dfile=$ARTHOR_DIR/arthor-jni.jar \
                               -Dpackaging=jar \
                               -DgeneratePom=true \
                               -DartifactId=arthor-jni \
                               -DgroupId=com.nextmovesoftware.arthor \

Customizing Index.html

Location: /nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1/arthor-4.1-source/server-ui/src/index.html

Add contact info and tldr

  1. vim /nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1/arthor-4.1-source/server-ui/src/index.html
  2. Search for 'arthor_table_list'
  3. Add contact info, a plug to, and database link after the div block where arthor_table_list is inside of. It should look like this
          <div class="opt-box-border">
            <!-- This will be populated by available databases -->
            <ul id="arthor_table_list">
              <li class="placeholder">Please select a search type</li>
          <div class="opt-box-border">
            <label>Ask Questions</label>
            Email us:
          <div class="opt-box-border">
            <label> To Download 100K+ Results</label>
            Sign up for <a href=""></a> and use arthorbatch
          <div class="opt-box-border">
            <label> Database Information</label>
            <a href="" target="_blank">Database Information Link</a>

Remove Similarity and Formula Buttons

  1. vim /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1/arthor-4.1-source/server-ui/src/index.html
  2. Search for 'arthor_search_list'
  3. Delete and Replace the whole 'ul' element block with this
              <li value="Similarity" onclick="setSearchType(this)" class="first">
              </li><li value="Substructure" onclick="setSearchType(this)">
              </li><li value="SMARTS" onclick="setSearchType(this)" class="last">
              <!--<li value="Formula" onclick="setSearchType(this)" class="last">

Customize Index.js

Conditional Hyperlinks

Location /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1-source/server-ui/src/index.js

  1. Add the zinc20 hyperlink to the Arthor results. Search for this
    $info.append($("<tr>").append($('<td class="identifier">').append(id)));
  2. Delete the contents of the whole else block and replace it with this
            if (id.substring(0, 6) == "ZINC00") {
                $('<td class="identifier">').append("<b><a target='_blank' href='"+id+"'>" + id + "</a></b>")));
                    "<span class='table_name'>" + table_name + "</span>",
            } else if (id.substring(0,4) == "ZINC" && id.substring(4,6) != "00") {
                $('<td class="identifier">').append("<b><a target='_blank' href='"+id+"'>" + id + "</a></b>")));
                    "<span class='table_name'>" + table_name + "</span>",
            } else {
              $info.append($("<tr>").append($('<td class="identifier">').append(id)));
                    "<span class='table_name'>" + table_name + "</span>",

Copy SMILES Clipboard

  1. Search this
  2. At the end of the the try block add this
                $('<td>').append('Copy SMILES: <a href="#" onclick="navigator.clipboard.writeText(\'' + parser.smi + '\');"  ><i class="fa fa-clipboard" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>')));
  3. The whole try and catch block should look like this
    try {
          var parser = new SmiJs.Parser(data);
          if (parser.parse()) {
                $('<td>').append('Copy SMILES: <a href="#" onclick="navigator.clipboard.writeText(\'' + parser.smi + '\');"  ><i class="fa fa-clipboard" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>')));
        } catch(err) {

Customize Sketcher.js

Location: /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1-source/server-ui/src/sketcher.js

Input Box Updates as User Draws

  1. vim /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1-source/server-ui/src/sketcher.js
  2. Search for this line "var smiles = event.src.smiles();"
    • ?var smiles = event.src.smiles();
  3. Add this new line below it
    • $('#ar_text_input').val(smiles);

Customize arthor-swagger.yaml

Location: /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1/arthor-4.1-source/server/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/swagger/arthor-swagger.yaml

Change URL Base Path for API Call

  1. vim /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1/arthor-4.1-source/server/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/swagger/arthor-swagger.yaml
  2. Search for "servers"
    • ?basePath
  3. Remove "arthor" and keep argument as "/"

Compile/Minify Code through NPM

  1. Install NPM packages and Minify Code
    • cd /nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1/arthor-4.1-source/server-ui
      npm install
      npx webpack-dev-server
      npx webpack --mode=production
  2. If the npx commands don't work, try updating node and npm version to the latest one.
  3. Build the war file
    • cd /nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1/arthor-4.1-source/server
      mvn install -Pbootable
  4. If it works, then the path to new war file is at /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/arthor_build_from_source/arthor-4.1/arthor-4.1-source/server/target/arthor-server-4.1.war

Adding Arthor to Systemd (example)

  1. Create service files
    touch /etc/systemd/system/arthor.service
  2. Add this code block in the service file
    Description=Arthor Public Instance
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash /nfs/soft2/arthor_configs/ -arthor
    ExecStop=/bin/kill -15 $MAINPID
  3. Change "ExecStart" to other Arthor Instances

Restarting Arthor Instance(s) Instructions

Public, Private Arthor, and Super Private Arthor

  1. ssh to "arthor" server and run
    systemctl <start|stop|restart> <arthor|arthorp|arthorc>

ArthorBB, ArthorCC, and ArthorCovalent

  1. ssh to "epyc-a40" server and run
    systemctl <start|stop|restart> <arthorbb|arthorcc|arthorcovalent>