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Written by Jennifer Young on April 23, 2019
= Introduction =
[ Here is the link to Smallworld's manual]
* Username:
* Password: <Ask>

==Install and Set Up on TomCat on CentOS 6 (such as n-9-22)==
All smallworld databases live in abacus' db3.
===Step 1: Check the CentOS version and Java version ===
SmallWorld currently runs on n-9-22, which runs CentOS 6.10.  You can check the version of CentOS with the following command:
    cat /etc/centos-release

Check your current version of Java with the following command:
Smallworld frontend files are consolidated and located at '''/export/db3/smallworld_extract/.extract'''.
    java -version

If you do not have the correct version, install it using yum.
Execute command '''start_smallworld''' to see options on which smallworld instance to start/restart.
Follow the steps on this tutorial

===Step 2: Create Tomcat Service Account===
= How to Download Smallworld =
This must be done as a root user and has already been done for n-9-22.
# Ssh to abacus and become root. Prepare directory
    groupadd tomcat
#: <source> mkdir /opt/nextmove/smallworld-<version> && cd /opt/nextmove/smallworld-<version> </source>
    mkdir /opt/tomcat
# [ Download Software with this link]
    useradd -g tomcat -d /opt/tomcat tomcat
#* Username:
#* Password: <Ask>
# Go to releases. Look for ''' smallworld-java-<version>.tar.gz ''' and copy the link address.
# Download using wget
#: <source> wget --user --password <Ask> <link address> </source>
# Decompress the file
#* <source> tar -xvf <file_name> </source>

===Step 3: Create Initialization Script to Control Apache TomCat===
= How to Launch Smallworld For The First Time =
Download the latest version of Apache TomCat from the website
== Prepare Files and Directories ==
    vi /etc/init.d/tomcat9
# Ssh to abacus and become root
# Open a port in the firewall
#: <source>firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=<port_number>/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload
# Go to smallworld databases directory
#: <source>cd /export/db3/</source>
# Create a Smallworld directory and go to it
#: <source>mkdir <smallworld_dir> && cd <smallworld_dir></source>
# Inside that directory, create these
#* a symbolic link to the smallworld anon map
#: <source>ln -s /export/db2/smallworld_anon_21Q4 anon</source>
#* a sub-directory called maps to store databases
#: <source>mkdir maps</source>
#* a smallworld config file
#: <source>vim smallworld.cfg</source>
#* Add this block of code inside the config file
#: <source>
Name=Atom Alignment
Description=Aligns and scores each hit relative to the query atom types, differences are categorised as MAJ, MIN, HYB, SUB
Name=SMARTS Alignment
Description=Treat input as SMARTS and align and score each hit relative to the query atom expressions in the input
Description=Extended Connectivity Circular Fingerprint
Description=Path based fingerprint
#* '''SearchTimeOut''' should be the only option you'll change in the future. It caps search time to lessen strain on machine.
#Place any *.anon.maps you've already compiled for testing into the maps sub-directory.
== Start Smallworld Instance ==
# Create a screen
#: <source>screen -S <screen_name></source>
# Export the smallworld directory you've made
#: <source>export SWDIR=/export/db5/<smallworld_dir></source>
# Launch java
#: <source>java -jar -Dserver.port=9999 sw_source/smallworld-<version>/sw-ws-<version>.war</source>

Copy the bash script from here
= How to Build Smallworld Maps/Databases =
Consolidate smiles into '''/export/db3/temp_mapping'''.

==How to Restart the TomCat Server==
Use the script located in that directory called '''smallworld_map_script'''.
    service tomcat9 restart

==How to Restart the SmallWorld WebApp==
Here is the content of the script:
You do not need to restart Tomcat every time you want to restart SmallWorld.  The TomCat GUI is available at
#!/bin/csh -f
setenv SWDIR /export/db3/public_smallworld_4th_gen/

You need the tunnel to access the private network or this link will not work!  Also, the admin username and password is required.
alias sw 'time java -jar /opt/nextmove/smallworld-5.1/sw.jar'
set target = '*.smi'

For more information about TomCat, consult the documentation for the version installed (9.0.17 as of June 2019)
foreach i ($target)
echo '(sw map' $i '-T tmp/ -o '${i}' -u '${i}'.anon.unmapped) |& tee '${i}'_log'
(sw map $i -T tmp/ -o ${i} -u ${i}.anon.unmapped) |& tee ${i}_log
echo 'sw blm -p 0.01 '${i}''
sw blm -p 0.01 ${i}
== Command Details ==
'''setenv''' sets the environment where the anon master map is

In the Manager App, in the Applications section, use the Stop and Start buttons for the sw-ws app to restart the SmallWorld server
'''java -jar /opt/nextmove/smallworld-5.1/sw.jar''' shortened to '''sw''' via alias

==Set Environment Variable for Anonymous Graphs for TomCat==
'''map''' will map the smiles based on the current anon master map.
The file to modify is
*'''-T''' stores temp files so /tmp does not get overloaded
*'''-o''' output with custom name you like
*'''-u''' will collect the unmapped molecules to send to Nextmove or to use swextend
'''tee''' will log the progress of the process

Add the following command to the top of the file (below the comments at the top_
== Splitting Databases ==
    export SWDIR=/srv/db4
[[| Follow this page if John has asked you to split the database into smaller slices.]]

==Modifying the Amount of Memory Allocated to SmallWorld==
= Active Smallworld Instances =
The memory allocated to TomCat is found in
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Caption text
! Type !! URL !! Machine:Port !! Directory
| Public || || || /nfs/db3/public_smallworld_4th_gen
| Private || || || /nfs/db3/private_smallworld_4th_gen
| Super Private || || || /nfs/db3/super_private_smallworld_4th_gen
| SWBB || || || /nfs/db3/swbb_5th_gen
| SWCC || || || /nfs/db3/swcc_5th_gen

Add the following commands to the top of the file (below the comments at the top)
= Customize Smallworld FrontEnd To Our Needs (Smallworld 5.5) =
'''These instructions only worked and compiled for me in the machine called epyc which is running Rocky 8 Linux operating system.'''
    export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -XX:MaxPermSize=70g"

==Modifying the SmallWorld GUI==
Summary of changes in swsearch.js:
The files for the SmallWorld WebApp live in
* Conditional hyperlinks attached to smallworld hits. Leads to zinc20, cartblanche22, or nothing.
* Adding clipboard icon to copy SMILES of hits.

Edit the files in  
Summary of changes in search.html:
* Add 'Ask Questions' and contact info
* Add 'Database Information' hyperlink
* Pre-toggle Advanced Option

To add the link to go to ZINC from the SmallWorld results page, edit the swsearch.js JavaScript file
Summary of changes in smallworld-swagger.yaml:
* Change API route to be just "/"

==Creating Maps on SmallWorld==
== Install Prerequisite Packages ==
See the corresponding wiki page:
# Install Apache Maven
#* <source>dnf install maven -y</source>
# In your home directory, create a new directory to hold the files for the upcoming procedures
#* <source>mkdir /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source</source>
# Download these latest Smallworlds and store them in 'smallworld_build_from_source/'. [[SmallWorld_Documentation_for_Future_Developer#How_to_Download_Smallworld|Here's how to download Smallworld.]]
#* smallworld-java-5.5.tar.gz
#* smallworld-java-src-5.5.tar.gz
# Extract contents from the tar.gz files
#* <source>tar -xvf smallworld-java-5.5.tar.gz
tar -xvf smallworld-java-src-5.5.tar.gz</source>
# Install Apache Maven Smallworld Dependencies
#* <source>
cd /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java/lib/

==Running SmallWorld from the Command Line==
== Customizing swsearch.js ==
We have been running SmallWorld on n-9-22 as www which uses csh as the default shell. 
Location: /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/js/swsearch.js
There is a file in /mnt/nfs/soft/www/home/smallworld called run_sw which contains the following commands to set up the SmallWorld Command Line Interface (CLI)

Set the SWDIR environment variable so SmallWorld scripts can access the 12 TB index
=== Conditional Hyperlinks ===
    setenv SWDIR /srv/db4
# vim /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/js/swsearch.js
# Search for this
#* <source>?div.append("<b>" + id + "</b>");</source>
# Replace the inside of the else statement with these lines of code
#* <source>
                if (id.substring(0,6) == "ZINC00") {
                        div.append("<b><a target='_blank' href='"+id+"'>" + id + "</a></b>");
                } else if(id.substring(0,4) == "ZINC" && id.substring(4,6) != "00") {
                        div.append("<b><a target='_blank' href='"+id+"'>" + id + "</a></b>");
                } else {
                        div.append("<b>" + id + "</b>");
=== Copy SMILES of Hits ===
# Search for this
#: <source>?var $props</source>
# Add this line at the end of the appends
#: <source>
                              .append('<br/><b>Copy SMILES: </b><a href="#" onclick="copySmiles(\'' + get_smiles_parts(data.hitSmiles)[0] + '\');" ><i class="fa fa-clipboard" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>');
# It should look like this
#: <source>
        var $props = $('<div>').append('<b>SWIDX:</b> ' + data.anonIdx)
                              .append('<br/><b>MW:</b> ' +
                              .append('<br/><b>MF:</b> ' +
                              .append('<br/><b>Copy SMILES: </b><a href="#" onclick="copySmiles(\'' + get_smiles_parts(data.hitSmiles)[0] + '\');" ><i class="fa fa-clipboard" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>');
# Then add this function anywhere except inside another function's scope
#: <source>
function copySmiles(smiles) {

Set the path to the SmallWorld C++ Executables
== Customizing search.html ==
    set path = ($path /opt/nextmove/bin)
Location: /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/search.html
Alias the keyword "sw" to access the Java CLI
    alias sw 'java -jar /opt/nextmove/sw.jar'

==Tips for Running SmallWorld on the Command Line==
=== Add 'Ask Questions' and 'Database Information' ===
Use sw help to get information about available commands
# vim /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/search.html
    sw help
# Search 'Scoring Methods'
#: <source>?Scoring Methods</source>
# At the end of that big block of 'div', add these:
#: <source>
<div class="section-head">
        Ask Questions
        <table class="swopt searchasyoudraw" style="width: 100%">
                <th style="text-align: left">Email us:</th>
<div class="section-head">
        Database Descriptions
        <table class="swopt searchasyoudraw" style="width: 100%">
                <th style="text-align: left">
                      <a href="" target="_blank">Database Information Link</a>
# It should look like this
#: <source>
            <div class="section-head">
                Scoring Methods
            <table id="swscore">
        <div class="section-head">
                Ask Questions
                <table class="swopt searchasyoudraw" style="width: 100%">
                        <th style="text-align: left">Email us:</th>
        <div class="section-head">
                Database Descriptions
                <table class="swopt searchasyoudraw" style="width: 100%">
                        <th style="text-align: left">
                                <a href="" target="_blank">Database Information Link</a>
=== Pre-toggle Advanced Option ===
# Inside the script element, add this function
#: <source>
window.onload = function() {
        $('#advPanel').css('display', $(this).prop('checked', true) && 'block'); update_visible_columns();
# Then search for "update_visible_columns" and scroll till you find the input checkbox element
# In the input box element, add the checked option. Should look like this
<input name="optAdv" type="checkbox"
                          onchange="$('#advPanel').css('display', $(this).prop('checked') ? 'block' : 'none'); update_visible_columns();" checked>
=== Change API Route to "/" ===
# path smallworld-java-src/web/target/sw-ws-5.6.1/WEB-INF/static/swagger/smallworld-swagger.yaml
== Compile Code To Make WAR File ==
#Build WAR File
#: <source>
cd /nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src
mvn install -Pbootable
#If it works, then the new WAR File is located at '''/mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src/web/target/sw-ws-5.5.war'''
= Restarting Smallworld Instance(s) =
=== Old Way ===
# Ssh to abacus and become root
# execute '''''' to show restart all instances on the machine
#: <source>
bash /root/
# execute '''start_smallworld''' to restart specific Smallworld instance. It will show you options to choose from.
#: <source>
=== New Way ===
# Ssh to abacus and become root. Then run
#: <source>
systemctl <start|stop|restart> <sw|swp|swc|swbb|swcc>

Latest revision as of 20:43, 10 December 2024


Here is the link to Smallworld's manual

  • Username:
  • Password: <Ask>

All smallworld databases live in abacus' db3.

Smallworld frontend files are consolidated and located at /export/db3/smallworld_extract/.extract.

Execute command start_smallworld to see options on which smallworld instance to start/restart.

How to Download Smallworld

  1. Ssh to abacus and become root. Prepare directory
     mkdir /opt/nextmove/smallworld-<version> && cd /opt/nextmove/smallworld-<version>
  2. Download Software with this link
    • Username:
    • Password: <Ask>
  3. Go to releases. Look for smallworld-java-<version>.tar.gz and copy the link address.
  4. Download using wget
     wget --user --password <Ask> <link address>
  5. Decompress the file
    •  tar -xvf <file_name>

How to Launch Smallworld For The First Time

Prepare Files and Directories

  1. Ssh to abacus and become root
  2. Open a port in the firewall
    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=<port_number>/tcp 
    firewall-cmd --reload
  3. Go to smallworld databases directory
    cd /export/db3/
  4. Create a Smallworld directory and go to it
    mkdir <smallworld_dir> && cd <smallworld_dir>
  5. Inside that directory, create these
    • a symbolic link to the smallworld anon map
    ln -s /export/db2/smallworld_anon_21Q4 anon
    • a sub-directory called maps to store databases
    mkdir maps
    • a smallworld config file
    vim smallworld.cfg
    • Add this block of code inside the config file
    Name=Atom Alignment
    Description=Aligns and scores each hit relative to the query atom types, differences are categorised as MAJ, MIN, HYB, SUB 
    Name=SMARTS Alignment
    Description=Treat input as SMARTS and align and score each hit relative to the query atom expressions in the input 
    Description=Extended Connectivity Circular Fingerprint
    Description=Path based fingerprint
    • SearchTimeOut should be the only option you'll change in the future. It caps search time to lessen strain on machine.
  6. Place any *.anon.maps you've already compiled for testing into the maps sub-directory.

Start Smallworld Instance

  1. Create a screen
    screen -S <screen_name>
  2. Export the smallworld directory you've made
    export SWDIR=/export/db5/<smallworld_dir>
  3. Launch java
    java -jar -Dserver.port=9999 sw_source/smallworld-<version>/sw-ws-<version>.war

How to Build Smallworld Maps/Databases

Consolidate smiles into /export/db3/temp_mapping.

Use the script located in that directory called smallworld_map_script.

Here is the content of the script:

#!/bin/csh -f
setenv SWDIR /export/db3/public_smallworld_4th_gen/

alias sw 'time java -jar /opt/nextmove/smallworld-5.1/sw.jar'

set target = '*.smi'

foreach i ($target)
	echo '(sw map' $i '-T tmp/ -o '${i}' -u '${i}'.anon.unmapped) |& tee '${i}'_log'
	(sw map $i -T tmp/ -o ${i} -u ${i}.anon.unmapped) |& tee ${i}_log
	echo 'sw blm -p 0.01 '${i}''
	sw blm -p 0.01 ${i}

Command Details

setenv sets the environment where the anon master map is

java -jar /opt/nextmove/smallworld-5.1/sw.jar shortened to sw via alias

map will map the smiles based on the current anon master map.

  • -T stores temp files so /tmp does not get overloaded
  • -o output with custom name you like
  • -u will collect the unmapped molecules to send to Nextmove or to use swextend

tee will log the progress of the process

Splitting Databases

[Follow this page if John has asked you to split the database into smaller slices.]

Active Smallworld Instances

Caption text
Type URL Machine:Port Directory
Public /nfs/db3/public_smallworld_4th_gen
Private /nfs/db3/private_smallworld_4th_gen
Super Private /nfs/db3/super_private_smallworld_4th_gen
SWBB /nfs/db3/swbb_5th_gen
SWCC /nfs/db3/swcc_5th_gen

Customize Smallworld FrontEnd To Our Needs (Smallworld 5.5)

These instructions only worked and compiled for me in the machine called epyc which is running Rocky 8 Linux operating system.

Summary of changes in swsearch.js:

  • Conditional hyperlinks attached to smallworld hits. Leads to zinc20, cartblanche22, or nothing.
  • Adding clipboard icon to copy SMILES of hits.

Summary of changes in search.html:

  • Add 'Ask Questions' and contact info
  • Add 'Database Information' hyperlink
  • Pre-toggle Advanced Option

Summary of changes in smallworld-swagger.yaml:

  • Change API route to be just "/"

Install Prerequisite Packages

  1. Install Apache Maven
    • dnf install maven -y
  2. In your home directory, create a new directory to hold the files for the upcoming procedures
    • mkdir /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source
  3. Download these latest Smallworlds and store them in 'smallworld_build_from_source/'. Here's how to download Smallworld.
    • smallworld-java-5.5.tar.gz
    • smallworld-java-src-5.5.tar.gz
  4. Extract contents from the tar.gz files
    • tar -xvf smallworld-java-5.5.tar.gz
      tar -xvf smallworld-java-src-5.5.tar.gz
  5. Install Apache Maven Smallworld Dependencies
    • cd /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java/lib/

Customizing swsearch.js

Location: /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/js/swsearch.js

Conditional Hyperlinks

  1. vim /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/js/swsearch.js
  2. Search for this
    • ?div.append("<b>" + id + "</b>");
  3. Replace the inside of the else statement with these lines of code
    •                 if (id.substring(0,6) == "ZINC00") {
                              div.append("<b><a target='_blank' href='"+id+"'>" + id + "</a></b>");
                      } else if(id.substring(0,4) == "ZINC" && id.substring(4,6) != "00") {
                              div.append("<b><a target='_blank' href='"+id+"'>" + id + "</a></b>");
                      } else {
                              div.append("<b>" + id + "</b>");

Copy SMILES of Hits

  1. Search for this
    ?var $props
  2. Add this line at the end of the appends
                                   .append('<br/><b>Copy SMILES: </b><a href="#" onclick="copySmiles(\'' + get_smiles_parts(data.hitSmiles)[0] + '\');" ><i class="fa fa-clipboard" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>');
  3. It should look like this
            var $props = $('<div>').append('<b>SWIDX:</b> ' + data.anonIdx)
                                   .append('<br/><b>MW:</b> ' +
                                   .append('<br/><b>MF:</b> ' +
                                   .append('<br/><b>Copy SMILES: </b><a href="#" onclick="copySmiles(\'' + get_smiles_parts(data.hitSmiles)[0] + '\');" ><i class="fa fa-clipboard" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>');
  4. Then add this function anywhere except inside another function's scope
    function copySmiles(smiles) {

Customizing search.html

Location: /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/search.html

Add 'Ask Questions' and 'Database Information'

  1. vim /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/static/search.html
  2. Search 'Scoring Methods'
    ?Scoring Methods
  3. At the end of that big block of 'div', add these:
    <div class="section-head">
            Ask Questions
            <table class="swopt searchasyoudraw" style="width: 100%">
                    <th style="text-align: left">Email us:</th>
    <div class="section-head">
            Database Descriptions
            <table class="swopt searchasyoudraw" style="width: 100%">
                    <th style="text-align: left">
                           <a href="" target="_blank">Database Information Link</a>
  4. It should look like this
                <div class="section-head">
                    Scoring Methods
                <table id="swscore">
            <div class="section-head">
                    Ask Questions
                    <table class="swopt searchasyoudraw" style="width: 100%">
                            <th style="text-align: left">Email us:</th>
            <div class="section-head">
                    Database Descriptions
                    <table class="swopt searchasyoudraw" style="width: 100%">
                            <th style="text-align: left">
                                    <a href="" target="_blank">Database Information Link</a>

Pre-toggle Advanced Option

  1. Inside the script element, add this function
    window.onload = function() {
            $('#advPanel').css('display', $(this).prop('checked', true) && 'block'); update_visible_columns();
  2. Then search for "update_visible_columns" and scroll till you find the input checkbox element
  3. In the input box element, add the checked option. Should look like this
    <input name="optAdv" type="checkbox"
                               onchange="$('#advPanel').css('display', $(this).prop('checked') ? 'block' : 'none'); update_visible_columns();" checked>

Change API Route to "/"

  1. path smallworld-java-src/web/target/sw-ws-5.6.1/WEB-INF/static/swagger/smallworld-swagger.yaml

Compile Code To Make WAR File

  1. Build WAR File
    cd /nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src
    mvn install -Pbootable
  2. If it works, then the new WAR File is located at /mnt/nfs/home/jjg/smallworld_build_from_source/smallworld-java-src/web/target/sw-ws-5.5.war

Restarting Smallworld Instance(s)

Old Way

  1. Ssh to abacus and become root
  2. execute to show restart all instances on the machine
    bash /root/
  3. execute start_smallworld to restart specific Smallworld instance. It will show you options to choose from.

New Way

  1. Ssh to abacus and become root. Then run
    systemctl <start|stop|restart> <sw|swp|swc|swbb|swcc>