User talk:Frodo: Difference between revisions

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m (asdf)
(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 142: Line 142: and figure out the current and figure out the current
filename from the XML that is displayed.
filename from the XML that is displayed.
= DOCK Blaster =
== User Support ==
=== 1135, 1135, 1141 ===
== Table 1 & 2 ==
=== DUD 40 ===
=== Astex 305 ===
== Scrutinizer ==
=== autotart ===
=== ligand included in target ===
=== cofactor, metals handling ===
== jobwatcher ==
=== autolaunch clustering on korn ===
=== browse calibration results ===
== Results Browser ==
=== basic scores and graphs, even if no xtal-lig ===
=== to flag bad molecules ===
=== pattern support ===
=== detail page ===
=== show and hide toggles ===
=== slice and dice. SMARTS filter ===
== General UI ==
=== check bookmarking each page ===
=== chimera and pymol on mac, linux ===
=== pymol finish off top 500 ===
=== titles, doc links, alts everywhere ===
=== CAPTCHA (long term) ===
=== usage stats regularly updated ===
=== more professional email update message ===

== Miscellaneous ==
== Miscellaneous ==
  Brenda is at /raid5/backonce/joha/DB3/5_BRENDA2SDF/ORG_BRENDA_MOL_FILES_PREP/brenda_031306.ism
  Brenda is at /raid5/backonce/joha/DB3/5_BRENDA2SDF/ORG_BRENDA_MOL_FILES_PREP/brenda_031306.ism
  mysql is at mysql -u joha -p*secret* -h (brenda-machine-name-ask-jji) brenda
  mysql is at mysql -u joha -p*secret* -h (brenda-machine-name-ask-jji) brenda
  wombat is at ~jerome/sets/wombat/wombat_20062/wombat.20062.sdf.gz  
  wombat is at ~jerome/sets/wombat/wombat_20062/wombat.20062.sdf.gz
* [[Dock Users' Meeting Minutes (DUMM)|Dock Users' Meeting Minutes]]
left over bumpf from the old main page.
[[:Category:ZINC|ZINC]] || Commercially available compounds || []
== Ligands for my target ==
* [[:Category:Covalent]]
* [[Hit picking party]] || [[DOCK 3.7]]
* [[:Category:DOCK |DOCK]] ||  Our molecular docking software ||  Latest are [[DOCK 3.7]] and [[DOCK 6.6]]
* [[DOCK Blaster]] ||  A public access service for docking screens || []
* [[DUDE]] and [[DUD]] || Benchmarks for docking|| []
* [[HEI]] || Substrate discovery and function ID ||  [] []
== Targets for my ligand(s) ==
* [[SEA]] || Similarity Ensemble Approach || Drug repurposing, target ID
== Introduction, overview, navigation, help ==
* [[:Category:Tutorials | Tutorials ]]
* [[Assaying Compound Activity]]
* [[:Category:Topic | Topics ]]
* [[Special:Categories| Categories]]
* [[:Category:Roles |Roles]]
* [[:Category:Article type | Article type]]
* [[:Category:Attributes |Attributes]]
* [[:Category:Software|Software ]]
* [[:Category:Databases | Databases]]
* [[:Category:Free|Free]] || [[:Category:Freecom|Free to some]] || [[:Category:Commercial|Commercial]]
== Everything else ==
* [[Group Meeting]] || [ Lab webpages]
* [[:Category:Model systems | Model systems ]]
* [[:Category:FAQ|FAQ]] || [[Feedback]]
* [[:Category:Problems | Problems]]
* [[:Category:Theory |Theory pages]]
* [[:Category:Jargon | Jargon]]
== change log ==
* June 15, 2016.  moved  /etc/cron.hourly/pgcluu-update-stats to /root/pgcluu-update-stats

Latest revision as of 00:35, 25 May 2024


/usr/sbin/foreman-rake reports:expire
SELECT n_live_tup, n_dead_tup,schemaname,relname from pg_stat_user_tables order by schemaname,relname desc;

if chemdraw makes you want to commit a felony

/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user ; killall Dock
== during maintenance ==

To pause, run the following query on the slave server:

select pg_xlog_replay_pause();

To resume, run

select pg_xlog_replay_resume();

add new disk

cd /opt/bks/src/cluster/puppet/modules/bks-nfs_mounts/files/dbraw/zinc
 vi manifests/init.pp
puppet module build .
puppet module install -f pkg/bks-nfs_mounts-0.0.31.tar.gz
setenv ZINC_CONFIG_ENV productionSlave2 106
begin; update subname set name='lsd',terms=to_tsvector('english','lsd'),query=plainto_tsquery('lsd') where subname_id=8950;

when restarting zinc on 1-106 and 0-38

setenv ZINC_CONFIG_ENV productionSlave2

on 106 and not on 38 that gets you separate psql servers ugh

edit manifests/init.pp

on alpha
bump version in modulefile
puppet module build .
puppet module install -f  pkg/bks-nfs_mounts-0.0.24.tar.gz
begin; update substance set tranche_prefix=zinc_mol_tranche(smiles) where sub_id in (select sub_id from substance where tranche_prefix= limit 100); 

renew cert

/opt/eff/certbot-auto renew
/opt/eff/certbot-auto run --domains,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


/opt/eff/certbot-auto run --domains comma,delimited,list,of,virtual,hosts,to,install,certs,for,no,cnames,allowed


psql -U root  zinc15 -c "select ('\"vacuum verbose analyze chembl22.' || tablename || ';\"') from pg_catalog.pg_tables where schemaname='chembl22';" | tail -n +3 | xargs -L1 psql -U root  zinc15 -c

push version

  • step 1. git pull
  • step 2. source python you want to use (e.g. internal for bks)
  • step 3. bump version/date in zinc/
  • step4. python sdist (builds tar.gz of source code in dist)

(become www via root)

  • step 5. install tarball : pip install dist/ZINC15-0.2016xxxx.1.tar.gz
  • step 6. restart application server (on tau or wherever running)


echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq
echo s > /proc/sysrq-trigger   #sync
echo u > /proc/sysrq-trigger # remount-ro 
echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger # buttonpress

backups: (use .st source)

aws s3 sync adler s3://docking-archive/backups/adler


cxcalc -v -S -i smiles -t charge formalcharge --pH 7.4 z6 | molconvert smiles -T name:charge


Supplier codes and ZINC IDs for list of zinc ids where sold by specific vendors:

curl '' -F "catalog-has-short_name-in=enamine sial" -F zinc_id-in=@zincids -F sort=no -F count=all

ZINC IDs and all catalogs selling them where at least one catalog is in a specific list of vendors:

curl '' -F "catalogs-any-short_name-in=enamine sial" -F zinc_id-in=@zincids  -F sort=no -F count=all

ZINC IDs where catalog in a specific list of vendors:

curl '' -F "catalogs-any-short_name-in=enamine sial" -F zinc_id-in=@zincids  -F sort=no -F count=all

Note: -F sort=no makes the query not sort by ZINC ID, should be slightly faster but safe to turn off

Note: -F count=all returns all results from the query, can also be any integer to take only that many (can be combined with -F page=N to get a later slice)

Compounds recognized by transporters that look like aspirin

Compounds that have names in ZINC

Names of all rings of all SERT ligands, in a file

as above, with smiles:



  • broken -
  • C04798508 and C13952160 are the same. many more.
  • metal detection in dock blaster. correct treatment of hi library
  • 17005395 has charge -1 and 6565555 has charge -1


From Oliv: Here are some comments on Dockblaster, which I received as feedback from non-experienced users. It seems that the results page is hard to interpret:

- it is not clear to most people what the 4 schemes (coarse/finer/polarized/Amber) mean and what they should use for docking
- the bug that rank and rmsds do not appear in most cases is confusing. Rank and rmsds should also be labeled.
- Instead of "Browse subset 12" one could write "Click here for a list of the best 100 molecules"
- The results (what people want!) are well hidden at the bottom of the page. Maybe one could give the people only the rec.crg file, eel1/mol2 files? At a more prominent place of the page?

SARAH: hi john- just noticed that indole in the l99a binders set looked funny, so i checked the mol2 files out and ref1 is incorrect; the double bond is in the wrong place. ref2 is the correct form of the molecule. the zinc id is C14516984.

I've had a few goes now with Dockblaster on a couple of targets but am having problems with some Calcium-dependant phospholipases in which the catalytic Ca++ is not being included in rec.pdb . First up I used a couple of structures from our group (e.g. I kqu 1j1a,) but in both cases the calcium doesn't get included. I then tried to prep the protein myself and submit those to Dockblaster but the same problem recurred. Thinking it might just be our structures just this morning I used some other workers PLA2 structure (1DB5 Dockblaster ID #38751) and it also doesn't include the Ca. By comparison a test run with thermolysin (5TLN Dockblaster run # #38752) included it's


dhi, 3frj, /raid3/people/mysinger/pxc/dude/species/dhi1/P28845/blasti/3frj/dock NAP cofactor decapitated

hivpr, 1upj, /raid3/people/mysinger/pxc/dude/species/hivpr/Q72874/blasti/1upj/dock asymmetric only half the biological, two ASP are 2.5A apart and both protonated

mtor, /raid3/people/mysinger/pxc/dude/species/mtor/P42345/blasti/*/dock All ligands failed to build, so 0/5 were build automatically

-- metacyc update

-- pubchem update (quarterly) -- cdd update (quarterly)

For future downloads, you can visit and figure out the current filename from the XML that is displayed.


Brenda is at /raid5/backonce/joha/DB3/5_BRENDA2SDF/ORG_BRENDA_MOL_FILES_PREP/brenda_031306.ism
mysql is at mysql -u joha -p*secret* -h (brenda-machine-name-ask-jji) brenda
wombat is at ~jerome/sets/wombat/wombat_20062/wombat.20062.sdf.gz