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This is the main page for the ZINC15 videos.  We are going to try creating themed videos that focus on questions.  
This is the main page for the ZINC15 videos.  We are going to try creating themed videos that focus on questions.  
* [[Metabolites]]
* [[Building blocks]]
* [[Chemical Reactions]]
* [[Decoys]]
* [[Download database for docking the ZINC15 way]]  (formerly [[Subset download]]
* [[Download molecules for chemoinformatics the ZINC15 way]]
* [[Target target]]
* [[ATC codes]]
* [[topics/cancer]]
* [[Library bias]]
* [[Tool compounds]]
* [[Chemical diversity]]
* [[Format conversions]]
* [[Molecule report when not in ZINC]]
* [[Ligands for my target]]


Revision as of 00:46, 6 July 2015