Tutorial on running Molecular Dynamics for GIST grid generation

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Tutorial written by Trent Balius (Jan. 9, 2017).


This is foremost for training Shoichet lab members. But we hope that the community finds this useful.

To use this tutorial you will need the following:

  • AMBER12 or higher. Here I used AMBER14.
  • GPUs to run AMBER on. In our case we uses an SGE queuing system to manage these jobs.
  • It is helpful if you have DOCK3.7 the latest version.


Grid inhomogeneous Solvation Theory (GIST) is a method for calculating thermodynamic properties of water on GIST lattice.

Here, we will use these grids for DOCKing (although, there are many other uses).

Set up environment

you can add the following to your environment file (.cshrc) for just issue them on the command line.

source python with bio_python package.

source /nfs/soft/python/envs/complete/latest/env.csh


setenv DOCKBASE "/nfs/home/tbalius/zzz.github/DOCK"


 setenv AMBERHOME /nfs/soft/amber/amber14

Put msms in your path

set path = ( /nfs/home/tbalius/zzz.programs/msms $path )

Set up directories

cd /nfs/work/yourusername/
mkdir ambergisttutorial
cd ambergisttutorial 

Prepare for AMBER

  • download 4NVE form the PDB brake it into receptor and ligand pieces.
  • download pdb 4NVA form the PDB align it to 4NVE and out put waters that are close to the ligand.
  • here is one way to do it:

(1) Break up the protein from the ligand. run be_blasti.py

 $DOCKBASE/proteins/pdb_breaker/be_blasti.py --pdbcode 4NVE nocarbohydrate original_numbers | tee -a pdbinfo_using_biopython.log
 $DOCKBASE/proteins/pdb_breaker/be_blasti.py --pdbcode 4NVA nocarbohydrate original_numbers | tee -a pdbinfo_using_biopython.log
 cd 4NVE 
 sed -e "s/HETATM/ATOM  /g" lig.pdb > xtal-lig.pdb
 cd ../
 cd 4NVA
 grep HOH $mountdir/workingdir/4NVA/4NVA_A.pdb > $workdir/water.pdb
 cd ../

(2) Next align the two receptors (4NVE to 4NVA) and find those waters close to the ligand.

 mkdir aligned
 cd aligned

create file named "chimera.com" and write the following into the file:

 # Gist template #0
 open ../4NVA/rec.pdb
 # 4NVE rec
 open ../4NVE/rec.pdb
 # 4NVE lig
 open ../4NVE/lig.pdb
 # 4NVA waters
 open ../4NVA/water.pdb
 mmaker #0 #1
 matrixcopy #1 #2
 sel #3:HOH & #2 z<8
 del #3 & ~sel
 write format pdb  0 template.pdb
 write format pdb  1 aligned.rec.pdb
 write format pdb  2 aligned.lig.pdb
 write format pdb  3 close.waters.pdb
 /nfs/soft/chimera/current/bin/chimera --nogui chimera.com > & chimera.com.out
 cd ../

(3) Now lets run tleap.

(3.1) run leap to renumber residues.

mkdir tleap
cd tleap
cp ../aligned/template.pdb rec.pdb
cp ../aligned/close.waters.pdb wat.pdb

produces tleap input file named tleap.rec.1.in

set default PBradii mbondi2
# load the protein force field
source leaprc.ff14SB
loadamberparams frcmod_teb_mf_mod.hemall
loadamberprep heme_all_plus1.in
REC = loadpdb rec.pdb
# draw bond between HIS and HEME
# 5 coordenated iron.
bond REC.175.NE2 REC.293.FE
saveamberparm REC rec.1.leap.prm7 rec.1.leap.rst7
$AMBERHOME/bin/tleap -s -f tleap.rec.1.in > ! tleap.rec.1.out
$AMBERHOME/bin/ambpdb -p rec.1.leap.prm7 < rec.1.leap.rst7 >! rec.1.leap.pdb

3.2 requires script 0000 to be run first and align/ dir to be present

reduce -HIS -FLIPs rec.1.leap.pdb >! rec.nowat.H_mod.pdb
sed -i 's/HETATM/ATOM  /g' rec.nowat.H_mod.pdb
grep "^ATOM  " rec.nowat.H_mod.pdb | sed -e 's/   new//g' | sed 's/   flip//g' | grep -v "OXT" | grep -v " 0......HEM" >! rec.nowat.H_mod1.pdb
curl docking.org/~tbalius/code/waterpaper2017/scripts/replace_his_with_hie_hid_hip.py > replace_his_with_hie_hid_hip.py
curl docking.org/~tbalius/code/waterpaper2017/scripts/replace_cys_to_cyx.py > replace_cys_to_cyx.py
curl docking.org/~tbalius/code/waterpaper2017/scripts/add.ters.py > add.ters.py
python replace_his_with_hie_hid_hip.py rec.nowat.H_mod1.pdb rec.nowat.H_mod2.pdb

The following script is useful if your protein has disulfides:

python replace_cys_to_cyx.py rec.nowat.H_mod2.pdb rec.nowat.H_mod3.pdb

output may be interted into the tleap input below to draw bonds. But this is not need here.

python add.ters.py rec.nowat.H_mod3.pdb rec.nowat.H_mod4.pdb
mv rec.nowat.H_mod4.pdb rec.nowat.H_final.pdb

(3.3) produces tleap input file (past on line at a time into your terminal, be sure not to have a space before the bottom EOF.

download HEME parameters:

curl docking.org/~tbalius/code/waterpaper2017/parms/frcmod_teb_mf_mod.hemall > frcmod_teb_mf_mod.hemall
curl docking.org/~tbalius/code/waterpaper2017/parms/heme_all_plus1.in > heme_all_plus1.in
cat << EOF >! tleap.rec.in
set default PBradii mbondi2
# load the protein force field
source leaprc.ff14SB
loadamberparams frcmod_teb_mf_mod.hemall
loadamberprep heme_all_plus1.in
REC = loadpdb rec.nowat.H_final.pdb
# draw bond between HIS and HEME
# 5 coordenated iron.
bond REC.175.NE2 REC.293.FE
XTALWAT = loadpdb wat.pdb
saveamberparm RECWAT rec.leap.prm7 rec.leap.rst7
solvateBox RECWAT TIP3PBOX 10.0
saveamberparm RECWAT rec.watbox.leap.prm7 rec.watbox.leap.rst7

$AMBERHOME/bin/tleap -s -f tleap.rec.in > ! tleap.rec.out


(1) Equilibrate

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/local/cuda-6.0/lib64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

parmeters to add if writting in NetCDF

  • ioutfm=1, write out NetCDF trajectory
  • ntxo = 2, write out NetCDF restart
  • ntrx = 2, read in NetCDF restart
  • VMD does not read it in.
  • half the size
cat << EOF1 > ! 01mi.in
01mi.in: equil minimization with Cartesian restraints
   imin=1, maxcyc=3000, ncyc = 1500,
   restraintmask= ':1-300 & !@H'
cat << EOF1 > ! 02mi.in
02mi.in: equil minimization with Cartesian restraints
   imin=1, maxcyc=3000, ncyc = 1500,
   restraintmask= ':1-292 & !@H'

cat << EOF1 > ! 01md.in
01md.in: equilibration, constant volume, constant temp at 50.00 run for 20ps (10000 steps).
   imin=0, irest=0, ntx=1, nstlim = 10000,
   ntt=3, temp0=50.0, gamma_ln=2.0, ig = 1234,
   ntp=0, taup=2.0,
   ntb=1, ntc=2, ntf=2,
   ntwx=500, ntpr=500, dt = 0.002,
   ntr = 1, iwrap=1,
   restraintmask = ':1-292 & !@H', restraint_wt = 5.0,
cat << EOF1 > ! 02md.in
02md.in: equilibration, constant volume, constant temp at 100.00 run for 20ps (10000 steps).
   imin=0, irest=1, ntx=5, nstlim = 10000,
   ntt=3, temp0=100.0, gamma_ln=2.0, ig = 2345,
   ntp=0, taup=2.0,
   ntb=1, ntc=2, ntf=2,
   ntwx=500, ntpr=500, dt = 0.002,
   ntr = 1, iwrap=1,
   restraintmask = ':1-292 & !@H', restraint_wt = 5.0,
cat << EOF1 > ! 03md.in
03md.in: equilibration, constant volume, constant temp at 150.00 run for 20ps (10000 steps).
   imin=0, irest=1, ntx=5, nstlim = 10000,
   ntt=3, temp0=150.0, gamma_ln=2.0, ig = 3456,
   ntp=0, taup=2.0,
   ntb=1, ntc=2, ntf=2,
   ntwx=500, ntpr=500, dt = 0.002,
   ntr = 1, iwrap=1,
   restraintmask = ':1-292 & !@H', restraint_wt = 5.0,
cat << EOF1 > ! 04md.in
04md.in: equilibration, constant volume, constant temp at 200.00 run for 20ps (10000 steps).
   imin=0, irest=1, ntx=5, nstlim = 10000,
   ntt=3, temp0=200.0, gamma_ln=2.0, ig = 4567,
   ntp=0, taup=2.0,
   ntb=1, ntc=2, ntf=2,
   ntwx=500, ntpr=500, dt = 0.002,
   ntr = 1, iwrap=1,
   restraintmask = ':1-292 & !@H', restraint_wt = 5.0,
cat << EOF1 > ! 05md.in
05md.in: equilibration, constant volume, constant temp at 250.00 run for 20ps (10000 steps).
   imin=0, irest=1, ntx=5, nstlim = 10000,
   ntt=3, temp0=250.0, gamma_ln=2.0, ig = 5678,
   ntp=0, taup=2.0,
   ntb=1, ntc=2, ntf=2,
   ntwx=500, ntpr=500, dt = 0.002,
   ntr = 1, iwrap=1,
   restraintmask = ':1-292 & !@H', restraint_wt = 5.0,
cat << EOF1 > ! 06md.in
06md.in: equilibration, constant volume, constant temp at 298.15 run for 20ps (10000 steps).
   imin=0, irest=1, ntx=5, nstlim = 10000,
   ntt=3, temp0=298.15, gamma_ln=2.0, ig = 6789,
   ntp=0, taup=2.0,
   ntb=1, ntc=2, ntf=2,
   ntwx=500, ntpr=500, dt = 0.002,
   ntr = 1, iwrap=1,
   restraintmask = ':1-292 & !@H', restraint_wt = 5.0,
cat << EOF1 > ! 07md.in
07md.in: equilibration, constant presure, constant temp at 298.15 run for 5ns (2500000 steps).
   imin=0, irest=1, ntx=5, nstlim = 2500000,
   ntt=3, temp0=298.15, gamma_ln=2.0, ig = 12345,
   ntp=1, taup=2.0,
   ntb=2, ntc=2, ntf=2,
   ntwx=500, ntpr=500, dt = 0.002,
   ntr = 1, iwrap=1,
   restraintmask = ':1-292 & !@H', restraint_wt = 5.0,
cat << EOF1 > ! 08md.in
08md.in: equilibration, constant volume, constant temp at 298.15 run for 5ns (2500000 steps).
   imin=0, irest=1, ntx=5, nstlim = 2500000,
   ntt=3, temp0=298.15, gamma_ln=2.0, ig = 23456,
   ntp=0, taup=2.0,
   ntb=1, ntc=2, ntf=2,
   ntwx=500, ntpr=500, dt = 0.002,
   ntr = 1, iwrap=1,
   restraintmask = ':1-292 & !@H', restraint_wt = 5.0,

Make the file qsub.amber.equil.csh using vim (or your favorite text editor).

#$ -S /bin/csh
#$ -cwd
#$ -q gpu.q
#$ -o stdout
#$ -e stderr

# on-one-gpu is a used in the Shoichet lab for managing our gpus and may be removed. 
# setenv CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES "0,1,2,3"
setenv AMBERHOME /nfs/soft/amber/amber14/
set amberexe = "/nfs/ge/bin/on-one-gpu - \$AMBERHOME/bin/pmemd.cuda"

set filedir = `pwd`

# make a local directory on the server to run calculations
set SCRATCH_DIR = /scratch
if ! (-d $SCRATCH_DIR ) then
set username = `whoami`

set TASK_DIR = "\$SCRATCH_DIR/\${username}/$JOB_ID"
echo $TASK_DIR

mkdir -p ${TASK_DIR}
cd ${TASK_DIR}

cp ${filedir}/rec.watbox.leap.* .
cp ${filedir}/*.in . 

 $amberexe -O -i 01mi.in -o 01mi.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c rec.watbox.leap.rst7 -ref rec.watbox.leap.rst7 \
 -x 01mi.mdcrd -inf 01mi.info -r 01mi.rst7

 $amberexe -O -i 02mi.in -o 02mi.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 01mi.rst7 -ref 01mi.rst7 \
 -x 02mi.mdcrd -inf 02mi.info -r 02mi.rst7

 # we should consider runing a step of NPT here first to at low temp to ajust the box size.
 # then swiching to fixed volume to rase the tempature.
 $amberexe -O -i 01md.in -o 01md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 02mi.rst7 -ref 02mi.rst7 -x 01md.mdcrd -inf 01md.info -r 01md.rst7

 # gzip 01md.mdcrd

 $amberexe -O -i 02md.in -o 02md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 01md.rst7 -ref 01md.rst7 -x 02md.mdcrd -inf 02md.info -r 02md.rst7

 $amberexe -O -i 03md.in -o 03md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 02md.rst7 -ref 01md.rst7 -x 03md.mdcrd -inf 03md.info -r 03md.rst7

 $amberexe -O -i 04md.in -o 04md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 03md.rst7 -ref 01md.rst7 -x 04md.mdcrd -inf 04md.info -r 04md.rst7

 $amberexe -O -i 05md.in -o 05md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 04md.rst7 -ref 01md.rst7 -x 05md.mdcrd -inf 05md.info -r 05md.rst7

 $amberexe -O -i 06md.in -o 06md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 05md.rst7 -ref 01md.rst7 -x 06md.mdcrd -inf 06md.info -r 06md.rst7

 $amberexe -O -i 07md.in -o 07md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 06md.rst7 -ref 01md.rst7 -x 07md.mdcrd -inf 07md.info -r 07md.rst7

 $amberexe -O -i 08md.in -o 08md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 07md.rst7 -ref 07md.rst7 -x 08md.mdcrd -inf 08md.info -r 08md.rst7

mv $TASK_DIR $filedir

qsub qsub.amber.produc1.csh

Wait for simulations to finish and then check the results. Make sure that 07md.in finished (this is when the box adjusts.

If 07md.in run an additional step between 06md.in and 07md.in.

cat << EOF1 > ! 07md_before.in
07md.in: equilibration, constant presure, constant temp at 298.15 run for 20ps (10000 steps).
   imin=0, irest=1, ntx=5, nstlim = 10000,
   ntt=3, temp0=298.15, gamma_ln=2.0, ig = 12345,
   ntp=1, taup=2.0,
   ntb=2, ntc=2, ntf=2,
   ntwx=500, ntpr=500, dt = 0.002,
   ntr = 1, iwrap=1,
   restraintmask = ':1-292 & !@H', restraint_wt = 5.0,

Modify the above scripted as follows.

 $amberexe -O -i 06md.in -o 06md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 05md.rst7 -ref 01md.rst7 -x 06md.mdcrd -inf 06md.info -r 06md.rst7

 $amberexe -O -i 07md_before.in -o 07md_before.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 06md.rst7 -ref 01md.rst7 -x 07md_before.mdcrd -inf 07md_before.info -r 07md_before.rst7

 $amberexe -O -i 07md.in -o 07md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 07md_before.rst7 -ref 01md.rst7 -x 07md.mdcrd -inf 07md.info -r 07md.rst7

(2) Production

cat << EOF1 > ! 09md.in
09md.in: production. constant volume, constant temp at 298.15 run for 5ns (2500000 steps).
   ioutfm=1, # write out NetCDF trajectory
   imin=0, irest=1, ntx=5, nstlim = 2500000,
   ntt=3, temp0=298.15, gamma_ln=2.0, ig = 34567,
   ntp=0, taup=2.0,
   ntb=1, ntc=2, ntf=2,
   ntwx=500, ntpr=500, dt = 0.002,
   ntr = 1, iwrap=1,
   restraintmask = ':1-290 & !@H', restraint_wt = 5.0,

Make the file qsub.amber.produc1.csh using vim (or your favorite text editor).

#$ -S /bin/csh
#$ -cwd
#$ -q gpu.q
#$ -o stdout
#$ -e stderr

# on-one-gpu is a used in the Shoichet lab for managing our gpus and may be removed. 
# setenv CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES "0,1,2,3"
setenv AMBERHOME /nfs/soft/amber/amber14/
set amberexe = "/nfs/ge/bin/on-one-gpu - \$AMBERHOME/bin/pmemd.cuda"

set filedir = `pwd`

# make a local directory on the server to run calculations
set SCRATCH_DIR = /scratch
if ! (-d $SCRATCH_DIR ) then
set username = `whoami`

set TASK_DIR = "\$SCRATCH_DIR/\${username}/$JOB_ID"
echo $TASK_DIR

mkdir -p ${TASK_DIR}
cd ${TASK_DIR}

cp ${filedir}/rec.watbox.leap.* .
cp ../09.in .
cp ../*/07md.rst7 . 

cat 09md.in | sed 's/09md/10md/g' | sed 's/34567/10101/g'   > 10md.in
cat 09md.in | sed 's/09md/11md/g' | sed 's/34567/111/g'     > 11md.in
cat 09md.in | sed 's/09md/12md/g' | sed 's/34567/2121212/g' > 12md.in
cat 09md.in | sed 's/09md/13md/g' | sed 's/34567/131313/g'  > 13md.in
cat 09md.in | sed 's/09md/14md/g' | sed 's/34567/4443/g'    > 14md.in

 # stat production
 $amberexe -O -i 09md.in -o 09md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 08md.rst7 -ref 07md.rst7 -x 09md.mdcrd -inf 09md.info -r 09md.rst7

 $amberexe -O -i 10md.in -o 10md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 09md.rst7 -ref 07md.rst7 -x 10md.mdcrd -inf 10md.info -r 10md.rst7

 $amberexe -O -i 11md.in -o 11md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 10md.rst7 -ref 07md.rst7 -x 11md.mdcrd -inf 11md.info -r 11md.rst7

 $amberexe -O -i 12md.in -o 12md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 11md.rst7 -ref 07md.rst7 -x 12md.mdcrd -inf 12md.info -r 12md.rst7

 $amberexe -O -i 13md.in -o 13md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 12md.rst7 -ref 07md.rst7 -x 13md.mdcrd -inf 13md.info -r 13md.rst7

 $amberexe -O -i 14md.in -o 14md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 13md.rst7 -ref 07md.rst7 -x 14md.mdcrd -inf 14md.info -r 14md.rst7

mv $TASK_DIR $filedir

qsub qsub.amber.produc1.csh

After the above script finishes running on the gpu queue. Make sure all is in order and extend the simulation.

Make the file qsub.amber.produc2.csh using vim (or your favorite text editor).

#$ -S /bin/csh
#$ -cwd
#$ -q gpu.q
#$ -o stdout
#$ -e stderr

# on-one-gpu is a used in the Shoichet lab for managing our gpus and may be removed. 
# setenv CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES "0,1,2,3"
setenv AMBERHOME /nfs/soft/amber/amber14/
set amberexe = "/nfs/ge/bin/on-one-gpu - \$AMBERHOME/bin/pmemd.cuda"

set filedir = `pwd`

# make a local directory on the server to run calculations
set SCRATCH_DIR = /scratch
if ! (-d $SCRATCH_DIR ) then
set username = `whoami`

set TASK_DIR = "\$SCRATCH_DIR/\${username}/$JOB_ID"
echo $TASK_DIR

mkdir -p ${TASK_DIR}
cd ${TASK_DIR}

cp ${filedir}/rec.watbox.leap.* .
cp ../09.in .
cp ../*/07md.rst7 . 

cat 09md.in | sed 's/09md/10md/g' | sed 's/34567/10101/g'   > 10md.in
cat 09md.in | sed 's/09md/11md/g' | sed 's/34567/111/g'     > 11md.in
cat 09md.in | sed 's/09md/12md/g' | sed 's/34567/2121212/g' > 12md.in
cat 09md.in | sed 's/09md/13md/g' | sed 's/34567/131313/g'  > 13md.in
cat 09md.in | sed 's/09md/14md/g' | sed 's/34567/4443/g'    > 14md.in

 # extend production
 \$amberexe -O -i 15md.in -o 15md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 14md.rst7 -ref 07md.rst7 -x 15md.mdcrd -inf 15md.info -r 15md.rst7

 \$amberexe -O -i 16md.in -o 16md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 15md.rst7 -ref 07md.rst7 -x 16md.mdcrd -inf 16md.info -r 16md.rst7

 \$amberexe -O -i 17md.in -o 17md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 16md.rst7 -ref 07md.rst7 -x 17md.mdcrd -inf 17md.info -r 17md.rst7

 \$amberexe -O -i 18md.in -o 18md.out -p rec.watbox.leap.prm7 \
 -c 17md.rst7 -ref 07md.rst7 -x 18md.mdcrd -inf 18md.info -r 18md.rst7

mv \$TASK_DIR $pwd 

(3) Restart

Some times the simulation will fail to run properly, so you may have to restart it.

Run GIST post processing

(0) make symbolic links to all the trajectory files.

set list = "4953439 4953257"
foreach dir ($list) 
  ln -s $dir/*mdcrd .
  ln -s $dir/*md.rst7 .

or if you do not want to specify the directory names:

 ln -s */*mdcrd .
 ln -s */*md.rst7 .

(1) make a reference frame from the simulation.

cat << EOF >! makeref.in 
parm rec.watbox.leap.prm7 
# 10md.rst7 is the start of the second 5 ns of production
trajin 10md.rst7 1 1 
strip :WAT
trajout ref.pdb pdb
/nfs/soft/amber/amber14/bin/cpptraj -i makeref.in > ! makeref.log &

(2) align the ligand to the MD frame and calculate the center of mass.

set mountdir = `pwd`
set workdir = $mountdir/align
rm -rf $workdir
mkdir -p $workdir
cd $workdir

get the right files.

set file1 = "../ref.pdb"
set file2 = "../rec.pdb"
set file3 = "../xtal-lig.pdb" 
set file4 = "../waters.pdb" 

write the chimera commands to align things.

cat << EOF > chimera.com
# template #0
open $file1 
# rec #1
open $file2 
# xtal-lig
open $file3 
# waters
open $file4 
# move original to gist. it is harder to move the gist grids. 
mmaker #0 #1 
matrixcopy #1 #2
matrixcopy #1 #3

write format pdb   0 template.pdb
write format pdb   1 aligned.rec.pdb
write format pdb   2 aligned.lig.pdb
write format mol2  2 aligned.lig.mol2
write format pdb   3 aligned.waters.pdb
set chimerapath = "/nfs/soft/chimera/current/bin/chimera"
${chimerapath} --nogui chimera.com > & chimera.com.out
curl http://docking.org/~tbalius/code/for_dock_3.7/mol2.py > mol2.py
curl http://docking.org/~tbalius/code/for_dock_3.7/mol2_center_of_mass.py > mol2_center_of_mass.py
python mol2_center_of_mass.py aligned.lig.mol2 centermol.txt

(3) run cpptraj to calculate the GIST grids.

set mountdir = `pwd`
set workdir = $mountdir/full_gist
rm -rf $workdir
mkdir -p $workdir
cd $workdir
ln -s $mountdir/rec.watbox.leap.prm7 .
ln -s $mountdir/09md.mdcrd .
ln -s $mountdir/10md.mdcrd .
ln -s $mountdir/11md.mdcrd .
ln -s $mountdir/12md.mdcrd .
ln -s $mountdir/13md.mdcrd .
ln -s $mountdir/14md.mdcrd .
ln -s $mountdir/15md.mdcrd .
ln -s $mountdir/16md.mdcrd .
ln -s $mountdir/17md.mdcrd .
ln -s $mountdir/18md.mdcrd .
ln -s $mountdir/align/centermol.txt .

get center of grid from aligned.lig.pdb

set center = `cat centermol.txt`
cat << EOF >! gist.in
parm rec.watbox.leap.prm7 
trajin 09md.mdcrd 1 10000
trajin 10md.mdcrd 1 10000
trajin 11md.mdcrd 1 10000  
trajin 12md.mdcrd 1 10000 
trajin 13md.mdcrd 1 10000 
trajin 14md.mdcrd 1 10000 
trajin 15md.mdcrd 1 10000 
trajin 16md.mdcrd 1 10000 
trajin 17md.mdcrd 1 10000
trajin 18md.mdcrd 1 10000
gist doorder doeij gridcntr $center griddim 45 45 55 gridspacn 0.50 out gist.out
#gist doorder doeij gridcntr 35.759163 33.268703 31.520596 griddim 40 40 40 gridspacn 0.50 out gist.out

cat << EOF > qsub.csh
#\$ -S /bin/csh
#\$ -cwd
#\$ -q all.q
#\$ -o stdout
#\$ -e stderr

cd $workdir

/nfs/soft/amber/amber14/bin/cpptraj -i gist.in > ! gist.log

qsub qsub.csh

Combining GIST grids

You may use the following python tools for combining GIST grids:

wget https://github.com/tbalius/GIST_DX_tools/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip

This creating a directory called GIST_DX_tools-master.

set mountdir = `pwd`

set workdir = "${mountdir}/combined_gist_grids"
set filedir = "${mountdir}"
rm -rf  ${workdir}
mkdir ${workdir}
cd ${workdir}
cp $filedir/gist-dTSorient-dens.dx .
cp $filedir/gist-dTStrans-dens.dx .
cp $filedir/gist-Esw-dens.dx .
cp $filedir/gist-Eww-dens.dx .

The following constants were obtained from the amber manual:

-9.533 * 0.0334 = -0.3184 and  2* 0.3184 = 0.6368

The old (amber 12) and new grids (amber 14) differ by a factor of 2 in the water-water enthalpy grid.

 python ~/zzz.scripts/dx-combine_grids.py gist-Eww-dens.dx 2.0 gist-gO.dx 0.6368 0.0 gist-dEww-dens_ref2
 python ~/zzz.scripts/dx-combine_grids.py gist-Esw-dens.dx 1.0 gist-dEww-dens_ref2.dx 1.0 0.0 gist-EswPlusEww_ref2
 python ~/zzz.scripts/dx-combine_grids.py gist-EswPlusEww_ref2.dx 1.0 gist-TSsw.dx -1.0 0.0 gist-Gtot_ref2
 python ~/zzz.scripts/dx-combine_grids.py gist-Eww-dens.dx 1.0 gist-gO.dx 0.3184 0.0 gist-dEww-dens_ref
 python ~/zzz.scripts/dx-combine_grids.py gist-Esw-dens.dx 1.0 gist-dEww-dens_ref.dx 1.0 0.0 gist-EswPlusEww_ref
 python ~/zzz.scripts/dx-combine_grids.py gist-EswPlusEww_ref.dx 1.0 gist-TSsw.dx -1.0 0.0 gist-Gtot_ref

insert a figure

Run convergence analysis