Tunnel how to

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ssh -D 8090 sgehead.uoft.bkslab.org chrome->settings->network->proxy->socks proxy host: localhost port: 8090

new way

open shell on laptop

ssh -vNL localhost:2222:gimel:22 -D1080 portalxxx.ucsf.bkslab.org 

Then use switchyomega in chrome to use socks5 to localhost 1080

For ssh use

scp -P 2222 localhost:cshrc.save . 

Rsync through tunnel

To send a file /tmp/my_temp_file on your laptop to gimel, first setup a tunnel

   ssh -N -p 22 -D 1080 <username>@portal.ucsf.bkslab.org  -L 2222:gimel:22

then in a new terminal

   rsync -Phavz -e "ssh -p 2222" /tmp/my_temp_file localhost:/tmp/


Tunelling ssh private network

Switchyomega autoswitch.png SwitchyOmega 1080tunnel.png