There must be 5 ways to kick zinc

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you step out the back, jack
make a new plan stan

From the bottom up:

1) Restart postgres (or kill long-running processes) root@samekh

  1. service postgresql-9.2 restart

2) Restart gunicorn www@n-1-110 $ source /nfs/soft/www/apps/zinc15/envs/production/env.csh $

3) Restart Apache root@tau service httpd restart

4) Flush the whole cache www@tau or www@gimel scl enable httpd24 'xargs htcacheclean -v -p/nfs/work/www/zinc15/cache'

5) Flush an individual cache page (note: the port and ? are required) echo '' | scl enable httpd24 'xargs htcacheclean -v -p/nfs/work/www/zinc15/cache'

That's all I can think of right now, will add more as I think of them.