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Revision as of 18:59, 9 October 2019

Here is the guide for installing and running JupyterNotebook from your Centos local computer.

Install PupyterNotebook

There are 2 ways to install: Python virtualenv or Conda Environment. Below is for Python venv:

  1. Create a python virtualenv
$ cd <your_project>
$ virtualenv <name_of_venv> // for Python2.6+
$ python3.7 -m venv <name_of_venv> // for Python3+
To activate the virtualenv
$ source <name_of_venv>/bin/activate

To deactivate:
$ deactivate
  1. Install JupyterNotebook and others important pacakages inside the activated virtualenv
(venv) $ pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
(venv) $ pip install jupyter
Common data analysis python packages:
(venv) $ pip install pandas 
(venv) $ pip install matplotlib
(venv) $ pip install numpy

  1. Start the application
(venv) $ jupyter notebook
It initializes JupyterNotebook to run on localhost:8888
The Quanta interface will open up. Copy the http link into your browser.
  1. Tutorial

Below is the tutorial that I find very useful for getting started
