Editing VMs with virsh

Revision as of 21:27, 9 May 2017 by Benrwong (talk | contribs)
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To increase the memory size of a vm:

Power off the vm then (say to increase the memory on chi to 2GB):

virsh setmaxmem chi 2G --config
virsh setmem chi 2G --config
virsh start chi

Add a virtual NIC to a VM:

virsh attach-interface --domain <domain_name> --type bridge_id --source <source_device> --model virtio --mac <random_mac_address> --config --live
ex: [root@vav networks]# virsh attach-interface --domain chronos --type bridge --source br1 --model virtio --mac 52:54:00:ab:cc:09 --config --live
--config affects next startup of domain
--live affects a running domain