DOCKovalent cysteine inhibitor design tutorial

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This was written on April 4, 2018.

This tutorial is for designing linkers for a covalent inhibitor and is supplement the work in preparation (Wan et al 2018).

These file are in the /mnt/nfs/home/xiaobo/UCSF_scripts/2018-4-3-covlanet_lysine_wiki-tutorial

Step 1. Custom Ligand and Library Generation

1/Custom Ligand / Library Generation

cd 1-Custom-Ligand-Library-Generation

library 1:  search the acrylamide in the ZINC15 database (ask John to put your builded library in ZINC15)
login into, search acrylamide in pattern
found 1: Acrylamide-Terminal, [CD1]=[CD2]-C(=O)-[NX3]    Purchase is 84576
File:    /nfs/home/xiaobo/UCSF_scripts/2018-7-17-covalent_cys_wiki-tutorial/1-Custom-Ligand-Library-Generation/acrylamide/library1-70587-ZINC15-acrylamide-library.smi
db2 file in  /mnt/nfs/ex9/work/xiaobo/new_covalent_lib/acrylamides/lib1
library 2: aldehyde-based-cyanoacrylamides
Search the aldehyde from ZINC15, and only-single-aldehyde-aromatic-for-sale+bb.smi 145960
one step synthesis
       python only-single-aldehyde-aromatic-for-sale+bb.smi
       python reaction_nocorina_out.ism
db2 file  in /mnt/nfs/ex7/work/xiaobo/new_covalent_lib/2017-6-8-cyanoacrylamide
library 3: ~184,900 Enamine acids + Boc-diamine + acrylic acid library
filter3-selected_acids_2150.smi the most common 2150 Enamine acids fro Enamine
83-Boc_diamines.smi  the most common 83 Boc from Enamine
two step synthesis
python filter3-selected_acids_2150.smi 83-Boc_diamines.smi
python in.smi
pyton in2.smi
final file: /nfs/home/xiaobo/UCSF_scripts/2018-7-17-covalent_cys_wiki-tutorial/1-Custom-Ligand-Library-Generation/acids-Boc-acrylic-acid/final-acids-Boc-acrylic-acid.smi    184900
db2 file in  /mnt/nfs/ex7/work/xiaobo/2017-6-30-acids-Boc-acrylic-acid/acd1
library 4: ~145,508 Sulfonyl Chloride + Boc-diamine + acrylaic acid library
filter4-1677.sulfonyl_chlorides.smi the most common 1677 Enamine sulfonyl_chlorides fro Enamine
83-Boc_diamines.smi  the most common 83 Boc from Enamine
two step synthesis
python filter4-1677.sulfonyl_chlorides.smi 83-Boc_diamines.smi
python in.smi
pyton in2.smi
final file :  /nfs/home/xiaobo/UCSF_scripts/2018-7-17-covalent_cys_wiki-tutorial/1-Custom-Ligand-Library-Generation/sulfonyl_chloride_Boc-acrylic-acid/final-sulfonyl_chloride_Boc-acrylic-acid.smi
db2 file in  /mnt/nfs/ex7/work/xiaobo/2017-6-30-sulfonyl_chloride_Boc-acrylic-acid/suc1
for a single smile (single-smile-generation) addSiH3-to-dimethylamino-acrylamide
python input-ligand.smi
python addSiH3.smi
file file: /nfs/home/xiaobo/UCSF_scripts/2018-7-17-covalent_cys_wiki-tutorial/1-Custom-Ligand-Library-Generation/single-smile-generation/no_doubles_out.ism

The no_double_out.ism was used to generate db2 file for covalent docking

log into gimel
setenv DOCKBASE /mnt/nfs/home/xiaobo/combine_docknormal_dock_covalent_3.7_and_tart/DOCK_from_githup_2016_5_27
setenv DOCKBASE /mnt/nfs/home/xiaobo/combine_docknormal_dock_covalent_3.7_and_tart/DOCK_from_githup_2016_5_27
/nfs/soft/tools/utils/qsub-slice/qsub-mr-meta -tc 50 --map-instance-script "/nfs/soft/tools/utils/qsub-slice/" -s $BUILD_ENVIRONMENT -l 1 no_doubles_out.ism $DOCKBASE/ligand/generate/ --no-db --no-solv --no-mol2 --single --covalent

Step 2 Protein preparation (different cysteine rotamers)

2/Protein preparation (different lysine rotamers)

cd 2-Protein-preparation-different-cys-rotamers

find the modification cys number in the PDB

echo "4iqy-A-AR6      A       104">>cys.list
bash  4iqy-A-AR6

In the window of chimera, select all of the 3 cysteine rotamers and click the button of OK. Reselect all the lysine rotamers in the PDB structure, and the save to PDB format CYS-4iqy-A-AR6.pdb Then, to generate all 3 structure folds, and then automatically calculate the steric clash with nearby residues, and select the rotamer with no steric clashes. This script will also calculate the nearest atom of in the compound to the lysine NZ atom

bash ../ 4iqy-A-AR6
4iqA-A-AR6     0 contacts
4iqB-A-AR6     0 contacts
4iqC-A-AR6     1 contacts
4iqA-A-AR6     O3'     16.951
4iqB-A-AR6     O3'     16.951
Each folder contains rec.pdb and xtal-lig.pdb

For each folder

bash 4iqA-A-AR6  box_margin(6) 1(covalent docking)

box_margin is defined from the center of the xtal-lig.pdb file

Step 3 modify the INDOCK parameters for saving multiple poses

cd 3-modify-the-INDOCK-parameters

change the default parameters for covalent docking

 bump_rigid                   1000000000000.0
 number_save                   100
 number_write                  100
 molecules_maximum             100000
 electrostatic_scale           1.0
 vdw_scale                     1.0
 bond_len                      1.77
 bond_ang1                     124.18
 bond_ang2                     120.84
 len_range                     0.0
 len_step                      0.1
 ang1_range                    20.0
 ang2_range                    20.0
 ang1_step                     5
 ang2_step                     5
 check_clashes                 no
 per_atom_scores               yes

Step 4 run the covalent docking in gimel

cd 4-run-the-covalent-docking

contain a pharmacophore filter (exclusion criteria that ligands should form hydrogen bonds with the protein, and the ligand should form one hydrogen bond with protein)


1)the modified INDOCK file INDOCK.bump1000000000000.pose1000.20.5.5
2)the gate residue file (define the covalent modified cys in this file )

Define in the file ligdir=

Input file :

1) the list different structure folders (4iqA-A-AR6)
2) the ligand library folder name (lib1)
 bash run.list lib1

Step 5 Analysis and combine the top1 pose from different structures

 cd 5-Analysis-and-combine-the-top1-poses-from-different-structures

after the covalent docking, analyze the docking results

 bash  structure-list lib1  lib1.list
      Inputfile :
      1) the list different structure folders (5K9A-B-X44,5K9A-C-X44)
      2) the ligand library folder name (lib1)
      3) the linker name list (lib1.list)

combine the docking results

       bash structure-list lib1
       Input file :
       1) the list different structure folders (5K9A-B-X44,5K9A-C-X44)
       2) the ligand library folder name (lib1)
       Output file:
       1)    rank all of the top1 pose for each linker
       2)                the name of structure file and linker

Step 6 Run the minimization and MM/GBSA rescoreing

 cd 6-Run-the-minimization-and-MMGBSA-rescoring

First, check the protonation state of each linker after when using the chimera to add hydrogen second, the different H position of linkers will result in the different labelling number of the attached NH of lysine residue prepare the list for each linker containing two informations in XO44.charge.list file (default:xabs 1 1)

 bash INDOCK.bump1000000000000.pose1000.20.5.5-xo4E-A-X44-X44-meta-xaaa-1-mini_end_GB

INDOCK.bump1000000000000.pose1000.20.5.5-xo4E-A-X44-X44-meta-xaaa-1-mini_end_GB is the folder for runing minimization

after minimization, then run the AMBER MMGBSA rescoring bash INDOCK.bump1000000000000.pose1000.20.5.5-xo4E-A-X44-X44-meta-xaaa-1-mini_end_GB

extract the scoring number for each linker

 bash list

the list contains (INDOCK.bump1000000000000.pose1000.20.5.5-xo4E-A-X44-X44-meta-xaaa-1-mini_end_GB)

Step 7 analyze the final pose by chimera

 cd 7-analyze-the-final-pose-by-chimera

first sort the linker according to the MMGBSA score

 cat MMGBSA.list | sort -nk 2 >sort.MMGBSA.list
 1-extract the pose without the protein
 perl sort.MMGBSA.list
 2-extract the pose with the protein
 perl sort.MMGBSA.list

using the chimera to visualize these poses and select the final linker (save to PDB file)

 save the linker viewdock state: P
 perl pdb  to extract the final poses