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10/5/2020 Ying

Script to run in parallel (on wynton):

 cd <path chunk folders from LSD>
 cp ~yingyang/scripts/getposes_inter_strain.csh .

Edit the getposes_inter_strain.csh file to change the input to (

- line 67: change to key residue

- line 68: change to path to rec.crg.pdb

Finally, run the script:

 csh getposes_inter_strain.csh <absolute path to extract_all.sort.uniq.txt>

5/8/2020 Ying

Getting more than one pose...

Example of getting 3 poses for the top scored 6k molecules:

 /nfs/home/yingyang/programs/miniconda3/envs/teachopencadd/bin/python \
 /nfs/home/yingyangg/scripts/ -s extract_all.sort.uniq.txt -n 6000 -p 3 -o pose_top6k_x3.mol2

4/20/2020 Ying

Directly call python also works...

 /nfs/home/yingyang/programs/miniconda3/envs/teachopencadd/bin/python \
 /nfs/home/yingyangg/scripts/ -s extract_all.sort.uniq.txt -n 6000 -o pose_top6k.mol2

3/25/2020 Ying

Poses are needed for Shuo's interaction filter and strain filter, sometimes we need to get poses pre-clustering. Owing to the need, here's another script modified on top of from Reed & Trent.

The idea is that we only want to get one pose per zincid with the best dock score. So the script read extract_all.sort.uniq.txt file, and store the min_score for each zincid. When processing mol2.gz file, check if this molecule's mol2 with zincid matches the min_score, otherwise, skip to the next molecule.

First, set environment variable

source /nfs/home/yingyang/.cshrc_opencadd

Get help information:

python /nfs/home/yingyang/scripts/ -h
usage: [-h] [-d DIR] [-s SCORE] [-n NUM] [-f FILE] [-o OUT]
                    [-z GZ_FILE]
optional arguments:
 -h, --help  show this help message and exit
 -d DIR      path to where docking is located (default: )
 -s SCORE    path to where the extract all file is (default:
 -n NUM      number of molecules (poses) to get. (default: 500)
 -f FILE     file contained ligand names to extract (default: None)
 -o OUT      file name for poses (default: poses.mol2)
 -z GZ_FILE  file name for input (default: test.mol2.gz)

Example 1, get top 6k molecules from extract_all.sort.uniq.txt (in the docking directory). (getposes routine)

 python /nfs/home/yingyangg/scripts/ -s extract_all.sort.uniq.txt -n 6000 -o poses_top6k.mol2

Example 2, only get molecules with names listed in a file (for example, zincids of cluster heads), and cut at top 100k.

 python /nfs/home/yingyangg/scripts/ -s extract_all.sort.uniq.txt -n 100000 -f <zincid.txt> -o poses_interested.mol2

Comparing the computation time:

Runtime getposes.png