AWS Auto Scaling

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A step-by-step instruction how to create a slurm cluster on AWS with auto-scaling possibility

a) upgrade your pip: pip install --upgrade pip

b) install aws client: pip install awscli

c) pip install aws-parallelcluster

d) prepare your aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key.
Those can be found in "My Security Credentials -> Access keys (access key ID and secret access key)" section.
If you haven't got it yet, press "Create New Access Key" and follow the instructions.

 aws configure
 Access Key ID [None]: _YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID_
 AWS Secret Access Key [None]: _YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_
 this will be stored in .aws/credentials

e) parallel cluster configuration NB: We use AWS Region us-east-1, which corresponds to N.Virginia.
You are welcome to re-consider this choice.

 pcluster configure
 Allowed values for AWS Region ID:
 1. ap-northeast-1
 2. ap-northeast-2
 3. ap-south-1
 4. ap-southeast-1
 5. ap-southeast-2
 6. ca-central-1
 7. eu-central-1
 8. eu-north-1
 9. eu-west-1
 10. eu-west-2
 11. eu-west-3
 12. sa-east-1
 13. us-east-1
 14. us-east-2
 15. us-west-1
 16. us-west-2
 AWS Region ID [us-east-1]:

Network & Security -> Key Pairs -> Create New Pair

 Allowed values for EC2 Key Pair Name:
 1. EC2_v1
 EC2 Key Pair Name [EC2_v1]:
 Allowed values for Scheduler:
 1. sge
 2. torque
 3. slurm
 4. awsbatch
 Scheduler [slurm]:
 Allowed values for Scheduler:
 1. sge
 2. torque
 3. slurm
 4. awsbatch
 Scheduler [slurm]:
 Minimum cluster size (instances) [0]:   <------- THIS CAN BE CHANGED LATER
 Maximum cluster size (instances) [10]:  <------- THIS CAN BE CHANGED LATER
 Master instance type [t2.micro]:        <------- THIS CAN BE CHANGED LATER
 Compute instance type [t2.micro]:       <------- THIS CAN BE CHANGED LATER
 Automate VPC creation? (y/n) [n]: 
 Allowed values for VPC ID:
 1. vpc-579d8e2d | 0 subnets inside
 VPC ID [vpc-579d8e2d]: 
 Allowed values for Network Configuration:
 1. Master in a public subnet and compute fleet in a private subnet
 2. Master and compute fleet in the same public subnet
 Network Configuration [Master in a public subnet and compute fleet in a private subnet]: 1

The config file is ready and stored in ~/.parallelcluster/config
You may revise it and edit, if needed.

To create a cluster on AWS, do pcluster create -c ~/.parallelcluster/config UCSFbeta

 Beginning cluster creation for cluster: UCSFbeta
 Creating stack named: parallelcluster-UCSFbeta
 Status: ComputeFleet - CREATE_COMPLETE                                          
 Status: parallelcluster-UCSFbeta - CREATE_COMPLETE                              
 ClusterUser: centos

Your cluster is ready to go!

Useful links: