Ligand preparation - 20170424
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3 ways to build ligands:
1. Source the dock environment and run the stand-alone script to build ligands for a given smiles file:
setenv DOCKBASE /nfs/soft/dock/versions/dock37/DOCK-3.7-trunk
source /nfs/soft/dock/versions/dock37/DOCK-3.7-trunk/env.csh
sh $DOCKBASE/ligand/generate/ mysmiles.smi
2. Source the dock environment and submits jobs to build ligands for a given smiles file:
- a. create a file with following commands (in this example, the file's name is cmd ). See below the explanation of arguments and change them accordingly!:
setenv DOCKBASE /nfs/soft/dock/versions/dock37/DOCK-3.7-trunk
setenv BUILD_ENVIRONMENT /nfs/soft/dock/versions/dock37/DOCK-3.7-trunk/
/nfs/soft/tools/utils/qsub-slice/qsub-mr-meta -tc 10 --map-instance-script \ "/nfs/soft/tools/utils/qsub-slice/" -s $BUILD_ENVIRONMENT \ -l 100 $1 $DOCKBASE/ligand/generate/
- b. run the script with a smiles file:
csh cmd mysmiles.smi
What does the qsub submit script exactly do?
-l 100 --> submit slices of 100 lines per task to run the script -tc 10 --> run only 10 tasks at any given time. -s $BUILD_ENVIRONMENT --> source the dock environment before each task is run.
3. the following is a wrapper script (wrapper_queue_build_smiles_ligand_corina.csh) which breaks up the smiles file and submits it to the queue. Users may find this script gives more control over the "qsub-mr-meta" way although it is less polished.
#! /bin/csh # source enviorment. source ~tbalius/.cshrc_dbgen_corina #set number_per_db2 = 1000 #set number_per_db2 = 5 set number_per_db2 = 10 set ph = 7.4 set file = $1 set fileprefix = ${file:r} set pwd = `pwd` set pathdir = $pwd set workdir = $pwd/${fileprefix} echo ${workdir} echo ${file} ${fileprefix} if (-e ${workdir}) then echo "${workdir} exists" exit endif #exit #rm -rf ${workdir} mkdir ${workdir} cd ${workdir} ln -s ../${file} . echo "split --lines=$number_per_db2 --suffix-length=6 ${file} ${fileprefix}_split" split --lines=$number_per_db2 --suffix-length=6 ${file} ${fileprefix}_split foreach splitfile ( ` ls ${fileprefix}_split* | grep -v db2.gz ` ) echo ${splitfile} # make sure that the link is pointing to something. #set lsoutput = `ls -l sgejob_*/${splitfile}.db2.gz` #echo "WHAT:: $lsoutput" #if ("$lsoutput" == "") then # rm ${splitfile}.db2.gz #endif if (-e ${splitfile}.db2.gz) then echo "${splitfile} has been submitted for generations." continue endif cat << EOF >! script_qsub_${splitfile}.csh #\$ -S /bin/csh #\$ -cwd #\$ -q all.q #\$ -o stdout_${splitfile} #\$ -e stderr_${splitfile} # source enviorment. source ~tbalius/.cshrc_dbgen_corina hostname date set SCRATCH_DIR = /scratch if ! (-d \$SCRATCH_DIR ) then SCRATCH_DIR=/tmp endif set username = `whoami` set TASK_DIR = "\$SCRATCH_DIR/\${username}/\$JOB_ID" echo \$TASK_DIR mkdir -p \${TASK_DIR} cd \${TASK_DIR} pwd cp ${workdir}/${splitfile} . # note that the pining script's inputs should not be in quotes ( or ""). /nfs/home/tbalius/zzz.github/DOCK/common/on-one-core - ${DOCKBASE}/ligand/generate/ -H $ph ${splitfile} cd ${workdir} mkdir sgejob_\${JOB_ID}_${splitfile} echo copying ls -l \${TASK_DIR}/finished/*/*.db2.gz ls -l \${TASK_DIR}/finished/*/*.db.gz # copy finshed directory mv \${TASK_DIR}/finished/ sgejob_\${JOB_ID}_${splitfile} rm -r \${TASK_DIR} EOF set name = `whoami` #while ( `qstat -u tbalius | wc -l ` > 10 ) while ( `qstat -u $name | wc -l ` > 450 ) sleep 10 end qsub script_qsub_${splitfile}.csh #exit end
set up environment: jchem mitools, DOCK3.7, ZINC, corina
source /nfs/soft/jchem/current/env.csh source /nfs/soft/mitools/env.csh source /nfs/soft/dock/versions/dock37/DOCK-3.7-trunk/env.csh deactivate source /nfs/soft/www/apps/zinc15/envs/edge/env.csh source /nfs/soft/corina/current/env.csh setenv EMBED_PROTOMERS_3D_EXE $DOCKBASE/ligand/3D/ setenv ZINC_CONFIG_ENV admin setenv ZINC_CONFIG_SETUP_SKIP blueprints
step 2. csh cmd mysmiles.ism
# put any change in the BUILD_ENVIRONMENT source /nfs/soft/dock/versions/dock37/DOCK-3.7-trunk/env.csh source /nfs/soft/corina/current/env.csh setenv EMBED_PROTOMERS_3D_EXE $DOCKBASE/ligand/3D/ setenv BUILD_ENVIRONMENT /nfs/home/xyz/bin/ # /nfs/soft/tools/utils/qsub-slice/qsub-mr-meta -tc 10 -L 100000 --map-instance-script \ "/nfs/scratch/A/xyz/protomer/" -s $BUILD_ENVIRONMENT \ -l 300 $1 $DOCKBASE/ligand/generate/
If you have any trouble using this (which the procedure used to build ZINC between July 14, 2016 and Nov 14, 2016 (ongoing), please contact me. I would be happy to help debug, as it will help us to make this procedure more robust.