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This is workshop #7, cryoEM, led by Carsten Sachse from EMBL


The aim of the cryoEM workshop is to cover basic concepts of cryo-EM 3D structure determination with particular focus on single-particle methods. The hands-on session introduces the SPIDER image processing software and applies it to the reference specimen Tobacco Mosaic Virus.


The two-hour workshop comprises

- a theoretical introduction to the topic covering the steps from image acquisition to the 3D structure

- a “watch-me” style presentation of simple image processing operations

- a walkthrough through the processing of a small data set


This workshop is prepared for complete novices in image processing but some basic knowledge of working with unix-style command line computers would be desirable. As a result of the course you will be able to reconstruct a reference data set of Tobacco Mosaic Virus. Because of the diversity of distinct samples and image processing approaches, we will focus on fundamental aspects of the procedure.

-- Carsten Sachse, May 7 2010

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